The Marine Scholarship of China 2024 terbuka melamar sekarang. Beasiswa Kelautan China, yang mencakup sekitar 71% permukaan bumi, memainkan peran utama dalam mengatasi iklim mengubah dan mendukung ekonomi global, perdagangan dan mata pencaharian. Pembangunan laut yang berkelanjutan memiliki langsung berdampak pada pembangunan dan kemakmuran semua negara pesisir sekarang dan di masa depan. Dan sudah menjadi tren yang tak terhindarkan di seluruh dunia bahwa melalui kerja sama dan pertukaran internasional kita harus memperdalam pemahaman kita tentang laut dan mempromosikan pembangunan laut yang berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kemakmuran ekonomi regional dan global.

Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, State Oceanic Administration (SOA) dan Kementerian Pendidikan China bersama-sama menginisiasi program Marine Scholarship of China (selanjutnya disebut Scholarship) dengan tujuan memberikan dukungan finansial kepada siswa berprestasi dari negara pantai atau wilayah sekitar. Laut Cina Selatan, Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia dan negara-negara berkembang Afrika untuk belajar di Cina untuk gelar master atau doktor dalam oseanografi atau spesialisasi terkait lainnya, menumbuhkan profesional tingkat lanjut dari bidang terkait untuk negara berkembang, meningkatkan kerja sama dan pertukaran kelautan internasional, dan mempromosikan pembangunan laut yang harmonis di kawasan dan di seluruh dunia.
Dewan Beasiswa China (CSC) bertanggung jawab atas penerimaan dan pengelolaan rutin Beasiswa.

Beasiswa Kelautan Kandidat Pendaftaran China

a. The applicant should be a citizen of non-Chinese nationality in good health, from a coastal/island country in the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and its surrounding island countries, or an African developing country.
b. Pemohon harus mendaftar untuk program pascasarjana spesialisasi terkait laut.
c. Setiap pelamar yang saat ini terlibat dalam oseanografi dan sektor terkait akan diberikan prioritas tinggi.
Universitas yang menawarkan Beasiswa (terdaftar tanpa urutan tertentu)
Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, Ocean University of China, and Tongji University.

Beasiswa Kelautan Kelayakan Tiongkok

sebuah. Pelamar untuk studi gelar master diharuskan memiliki gelar sarjana dan biasanya berusia di bawah 40 tahun.
b. Pelamar untuk studi gelar doktor diharuskan memiliki gelar master dan biasanya berusia di bawah 45 tahun.
Durasi Beasiswa Kelautan Tiongkok
sebuah. Kandidat untuk gelar master: 2-3 tahun belajar dengan Beasiswa
b. Candidates for doctoral degree: 3–4 years of study with the Scholarship
c. Penerima beasiswa yang memilih bahasa Mandarin sebagai bahasa pengajaran dan meminta pelatihan bahasa Mandarin sebelum studi akademis formal mereka akan menerima pelatihan satu tahun dan dana beasiswa mereka diperpanjang secara bersamaan selama satu tahun.
d. The duration of the Scholarship will be defined upon the student’s admission to the university and will not be extended in principle. If a student is unable to finish the program for some special reasons, his or her scholarship may be extended until graduation with prior consent of SOA, the university and CSC.

Rincian pendanaan Beasiswa Kelautan Tiongkok

sebuah. Pembebasan biaya pendaftaran, biaya kuliah, biaya laboratorium, biaya magang, dan biaya bahan belajar dasar dan akomodasi di kampus
b. Living allowance: RMB 1,700 per month for master’s students and RMB 2,000 per month for doctoral students
c. Subsidi penyelesaian: RMB 1,500
d. Layanan medis rawat jalan dan Asuransi Kesehatan Komprehensif untuk Siswa Beasiswa Pemerintah Tiongkok
e. The student is responsible for covering any international travel expenses.


a. If the scholarship student requests additional experiments or internships outside of the teaching program, they must pay for them themselves.
b. Biaya bahan pelajaran dasar mencakup buku teks penting yang dipilih dan disediakan gratis oleh universitas untuk program akademik siswa. Dan selain bahan-bahan penting ini, buku-buku lain ditanggung sendiri oleh siswa.
c. Starting from the student’s first day of classes, the university will give them a monthly living allowance. For the first month, the students who register before or on the 15th day of the month will receive the allowance in full, and those who register after the 15th day of the month will receive it in half. The allowance will continue for a half-month after the university’s designated graduation date. As for those who suspend, quit, or complete their academic program and return to their own country, the allowance will stop in the next month. The allowance covers the holidays recognized by the university. Those who are away during the holidays and unable to get their allowance in time may receive their dues when they return to the university. And as for those who are late for registration or stay away from the school without any formality of asking for absence for a time longer than one month, the allowance for that month shall be cancelled.
Those who have to suspend their program because of pregnancy or severe disease must return to their own country for delivery or recovery, and the travel must be at their own expense. If the school authority has given permission to suspend a program, the recipient’s eligibility for a scholarship may only last for one year, and the allowance will cease during the suspension. But those who suspend their program for other reasons will be disqualified from the scholarship.
d. The outpatient medical service covers only outpatient treatment at the university hospital or a hospital designated by the university authority. After the treatment, the student needs to pay part of the charge according to related university regulations.
e. The Comprehensive Medical Insurance for Chinese Government Scholarship Students mainly cover the fees incurred by the student’s inpatient treatment for major illnesses or personal accidents. The premium will be prepaid by the university or the designated rescue agency, which will then go to the insurance company with the receipt for the fees to make the claim. The insurance company will not settle personal claims.

Beasiswa Kelautan China Waktu dan saluran Aplikasi

Every year, from January 1 to April 30, an applicant may apply to the universities designated by this scholarship program.

Beasiswa Kelautan Bahan China untuk aplikasi

sebuah.Formulir Aplikasi untuk Beasiswa Pemerintah Tiongkok (diisi dalam bahasa Mandarin atau Inggris)
An applicant is supposed to log on to CSC’s online application system, fill in all the necessary information, and then print the Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship, yang akan dihasilkan secara otomatis setelah pengiriman berhasil.
Sistem aplikasi online dapat ditemukan di, dan kode institusional universitas adalah Xiamen University: 10384, Zhejiang University: 10335, Universitas Kelautan Cina: 10423, dan Tongji University: 10247.
b. a photocopy of the last degree certificate. Translations in Chinese or English that have undergone notarization must accompany certificates written in languages other than Chinese or English.
c. academic transcripts. Translations in Chinese or English that have undergone notarization must accompany transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English.
d. Studi pelamar atau rencana penelitian di Cina (dalam bahasa Cina atau Inggris).
e. Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English by professors or associate professors.
f. Fotokopi Formulir Pemeriksaan Fisik Orang Asing (dapat diunduh dari situs web CSC) dilengkapi dalam bahasa Mandarin atau Inggris. Pemohon harus benar-benar mengikuti semua ujian seperti yang dipersyaratkan oleh Formulir. Dikosongkannya atau tidak adanya tanda tangan dokter atau stempel rumah sakit akan membuat formulir tersebut menjadi tidak berlaku.
These application documents will not be returned, no matter whether the application is accepted or not.

Beasiswa Kelautan penerimaan Cina

a. SOA and the universities will jointly organize a panel of reviewers to screen the candidates for the scholarship on the basis of the candidates’ academic performance and achievements and their supervisors’ opinions. The final list of scholarship awardees will be publicly announced.
b. Dipercayakan oleh CSC, universitas akan mengirimkan Pemberitahuan Penerimaan dan Formulir Aplikasi Visa (JW201) kepada penerima beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 31 Juli setiap tahun.
c. In principle, the Scholarship student is not allowed to change the school, subject or duration of study pre-defined on the Admission Notice.

Tinjauan tahunan Beasiswa Kelautan Tiongkok

a. According to the Measures of Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status, CSC will carry out a comprehensive annual review of the scholarship students’ academic performance, attitude towards study, attendance records, behavior, rewards and punishments, etc.
b. Siswa penerima beasiswa harus lulus tinjauan agar memenuhi syarat untuk pendanaan beasiswa tahun depan. Mereka yang gagal dalam peninjauan dapat ditangguhkan atau dihentikan beasiswanya tahun depan.
c. Those whose scholarship has been suspended may continue their study at the university at their own expense, and if they wish to recover eligibility for receiving the scholarship, they may attend the review next year and, upon passing the review, apply for the continuation of the scholarship.
d. Those whose scholarships have been officially terminated are not eligible to apply for recovery of the scholarship.
For details, please refer to Measures of the Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status.


Tambahkan: Kantor Penerimaan, Xiamen University, Fujian, Cina
Kode pos: 361005
Telp: +86-592-2184792
Faks: +86-592-2180256
Tambahkan: PO Box W-99, Perguruan Tinggi Internasional, Kampus Yuquan, Zhejiang University, No. 38 Zheda Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Cina
Kode pos: 310027
Telp: +86-571-87951717/3101/2848
Faks: +86-571-87951755
Ocean University of China
Tambahkan: Pusat Pendidikan Internasional, Universitas Kelautan Tiongkok, Jalan Hong Kong Timur 23, Qingdao, Tiongkok
Kode pos: 266071
Telp: +86-532-85901555 / 85901666
Faks: +86-532-85901868
Tambahkan: Kantor Siswa Internasional, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, Cina
Kode pos: 202492
Telp: +86-21-65983611
Faks: +86-21-65987933
Departemen Kerjasama Internasional, Administrasi Kelautan Negara
Tambahkan: 1 Fuxingmenwai Avenue, Beijing, Cina
Kode pos: 100860
Telp: +86-10-68048072 / 68048080
Faks: +86-10-68030799