Shanghai University CSC Scholarship is an amazing opportunity for international students to pursue their studies in China. It is a Chinese Government Scholarship that provides financial support to international students who wish to study at Shanghai University. This scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and other related costs. It also provides opportunities for internships and research projects in various fields of study. With this scholarship, international students can gain invaluable education and experience in China while enjoying the rich culture of the country.

Shanghai University is a prestigious institution of higher education located in Shanghai, China. Founded in 1922, it is one of the oldest universities in China and has earned a reputation for excellence in teaching and research. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including engineering, science, business, law, humanities and social sciences. With its top-notch faculty members and cutting-edge research facilities, Shanghai University provides students with an excellent learning environment to help them reach their full potential. As one of the leading universities in the country, Shanghai University strives to provide its students with an exceptional educational experience that will prepare them for success in their future careers.

Shanghai University World Ranking

The World Ranking of Shanghai University is #422 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Shanghai University CSC Scholarship 2024

権限: 中国奨学会(CSC)による2024年度中国政府奨学金
大学名: Shanghai University
奨学金の種類: 全額奨学金(全額無料)
Monthly Allowance Shanghai University Scholarship: 学士課程の学生は 2,500 人民元、修士課程の学生は 3,000 人民元、博士課程の学生は 3,500 人民元学位取得者

  • 授業料はCSC奨学金で賄われます
  • 生活手当は銀行口座から支給されます
  • Accommodation Twin beds room for undergraduates and Single for graduate students)
  • 総合医療保険(800元)

Apply Method Shanghai University Scholarship: オンライン申請だけ(ハードコピーの送付不要)

Faculty List of Shanghai University

When you are applying for a Scholarship you just need to get an Acceptance letter to maximize your scholarship approval, so for that, you need faculty links of your department. Go to the University’s website then click on the department and then click on the faculty link. You must contact only relevant professors which means they are most closer to your research interest. Once you found a relevant professor There are main 2 things you need

  1. 合格通知メールの書き方 ここをクリック (CSC奨学金での入学のために教授に宛てたメールの7つのサンプル). Once Professor Agree to get you under his supervision you need to follow the 2nd steps.
  2. 上司の署名を得るには承諾書が必要です。ここをクリックして承諾書を入手してください。 受諾書のサンプル

Eligibility Criteria For Scholarship at Shanghai University

ザ· Eligibility Criteria of Shanghai University CSC奨学金2024については以下に記載されています。

  1. All International Students can apply for Shanghai University CSC Scholarship
  2. Age limits for Undergraduate Degree is 30 year, for Masters degree is 35 year, and For Ph.D. is 40 Years
  3. Applicant must be in good health
  4. 犯罪歴なし
  5. You can apply with English Proficiency Certificate

必要書類 Shanghai University 2024

During CSC Scholarship online application you need to upload documents, without uploading your application is incomplete. Below is the list you need to upload during the Chinese Government Scholarship Application for Shanghai University.

  1. CSCオンライン申込書(Shanghai University Agency Number, ここをクリックして入手
  2. のオンライン申請書 Shanghai University
  3. 最高学位証明書(公証コピー)
  4. 高等教育の成績証明書(公証コピー)
  5. 学部卒業証書
  6. 学部の成績証明書
  7. 中国にいる場合は、中国での最新のビザまたは滞在許可証 (大学ポータルのこのオプションでパスポートのホームページを再度アップロードします)
  8. A 研究計画 または 研究提案書
  9. 推薦状
  10. パスポートコピー
  11. 経済的証明
  12. 健康診断書 (健康報告)
  13. 英語能力証明書 (IELTSは必須ではありません)
  14. 無犯罪証明記録 (警察の通行証明書記録)
  15. 受諾書 (必須ではありません)

申し込み方法 Shanghai University  CSC Scholarship 2024

There are few steps you need to follow for CSC Scholarship Application.

  1. (Sometimes optional and sometimes must Need) Try to get Supervisor and Acceptance letter from him in your hand
  2. You Should Fill CSC奨学金オンライン申請フォーム。
  3. Second, You Should Fill Shanghai University Online application For CSC Scholarship 2024
  4. 中国奨学金に必要なすべての書類をCSCウェブサイトにアップロードしてください
  5. 中国政府奨学金のオンライン申請には申請料はかかりません
  6. Print Both Application forms along with your documents send by email and through courier service at the University address.

Shanghai University Scholarship Application Deadline

ザ· 奨学金オンラインポータル opens from November it’s mean you can start applying from November and the Application Deadline is: 30 April Each Year


After receiving the application materials and payment document, the University Admission Committee for the program will assess all the application documents and provide China Scholarship Council with the nominations for approval. Applicants will be informed of the final admission decision made by CSC.

Shanghai University CSC Scholarship Result 2024

The result of the Shanghai University CSC Scholarship will be announced End of July, please visit the CSC奨学金の結果 ここのセクション。 発見できる CSC奨学金と大学のオンライン申請状況とその意味はこちら.

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