A shopping list for students and foreign travelers is crucial for a successful international travel experience. It includes clothing, footwear, cosmetics, electronics, software, seasonings, and grocery products. Students should pack in the right quantity and bring the necessary documents.

An international travel packing list 또는 shopping list for students is always very important before leaving for abroad, as well as for 외국인 여행자. 쇼핑은 항상 삶의 필수품입니다. Shopping lists for students and shopping lists for foreign travelers are done according to necessity. Nowadays, we can find small as well as giant shopping malls around us. People used to buy the brands they trusted. Before leaving your home country, make sure you have followed the Shopping List for Students and the Shopping List for Foreign Travelers. But when people plan to visit a foreign country, it might be a little tricky to find your brands abroad. So, we compiled a shopping list for travelers and students. This is a complete list featuring each and every product required by you. We call it a foreigner’s handy backpack 국제 여행 포장 목록.

Making a list of shopping items on paper is kind of handy. The alternate option is to use the top 4 Mashable Grocery List Apps 국제 여행 포장 목록. 이것은 당신의 쇼핑을 더 쉽게 만듭니다.

We suggest the right quantity of the products that can be packed in your suitcase. Most of the time, you may not find your own local brands in a visiting country. So you won’t be able to buy such products that were available to you back in your home country. Therefore, we recommend that you make a shopping list and buy your local branded products on your 국제 여행 포장 목록.

As most airlines allow students to carry two suitcases, that means you can carry a lot of luggage along with you. A majority of students pack their bags with unnecessary things. That increases the luggage’s total weight. When they arrive at the university dorm, they realize that they did not bring important items. Such products are also not available in that country or may be available at a higher price. So, the basic drill is to pack your luggage in such a way that every essential item must be in your suitcase without carrying unnecessary things. This student shopping list includes all the necessary things that you may need for your future journey.

How much money do you need to buy the things listed in the shopping list?

If you plan on buying each and every item listed in this shopping list, then you will not be spending more than US$250 in total. If you buy anything not listed, it may result in increasing the total check amount you will receive in a shopping store. The price of a suitcase is not included in his comprehensive shopping list. Major colleges in the United States suggest in their college rules guidelines not to bring any prohibited things into the college premises.

1. 권장 수량과 함께 여행 가방에 넣어야 하는 의류 품목 목록

  • 바지 (추천 03)

  • Formal shirts and T-shirts as per your desired quantity (suggested: 2 each)
  • 블라우스, 코트, 스커트 (02)

  • 당신의 전통 의상 (01) 당신의 외국 대학에서 문화 행사에 사용

  • 잠옷 또는 잠옷 세트 (02)

  • 블레이저 코트 금액(05)

  • 블라우스 (02)
  • 속옷 세트 아이템은 최대 (05)까지 구매할 수 있습니다.

  • 풀사이즈 타올 추천(01)

  • One Bath bathrobe set (Optional)

  • 수하물에 손수건 포함은 선택 사항입니다.

  • 냅킨(선택사항)

  • 벨트 가죽 또는 취향에 따라 다른 유형 (02)
  • Turtleneck, Sweaters or Jacket (0 each)

  • 스카프 세트 (02)
  • 장갑(옵션 품목)

  • 정장용 넥타이 (02)
  • 양말 유닛 (05)

  • Woolen Thermals for the Winter Season for students (02)

2. 가방에 넣어야 할 신발 목록

  • 포멀 슈즈 (추천 수량 01)
  • 운동화 (01)
  • 샌들 남아/여아 (02)
  • 조깅 또는 스프린트 슈즈 (01)
  • 필요한 슬리퍼(선택사항) (01)
  • 구두약 (권장하지 않음)
  • 예비 신발(권장하지 않음)

3. 해외여행 시 필요한 화장품 목록

  • Comb, mirror, electric or fuel-igniting lights, and surf are not recommended. (Forbidden on Flights as well.)
  • 면도 키트 (권장 수량 01)
  • 비누, 샴푸, 치약 또는 로션 제품(선택 사항)
  • 가위, 손톱깎이, 재봉실, 바늘 (권장하지 않음)
  • 이발기(옵션)
  • 헤어드라이어 (01)
  • 헤어 스트레이트너 (01)
  • 헤어 컬 머신 (01)
  • 여자용 전자 빗 (01)
  • Waxing Products (It is recommended to bring Wax products if you can not use any other brands available in visiting country.)
  • 선블록(옵션) (01)
  • 로션(옵션) (01)
  • 전자면도기(01) (옵션)
  • 전자식 헤어트리머 (01) (옵션)

4. 해외여행 시 필요한 전자제품 목록

  • 노트북(휴대용 가방에 백팩 권장) (01)
  • 스마트폰 (01)
  • 스마트폰 액세서리
  • 별도의 알람 시계(권장하지 않음)
  • 스마트워치 (01) (옵션)
  • 외장 하드 드라이브 또는 USB 드라이브(01)(권장)
  • 태블릿(01)(옵션)

5. 해외여행에 필요한 소프트웨어 목록

If you are traveling in a country where English is not a native language, then you might face issues. In supermarkets, you will find software in their language instead of English. So we always recommend that people bring software in their native languages with them.

  • Windows 설치 소프트웨어(권장)
  • Microsoft Office 소프트웨어 설치(강력 권장 항목)
  • 필요하다고 생각할 수 있는 기타 소프트웨어

6. 해외여행에 필요한 조미료 목록

If you are visiting a country where your native food won’t be available, then you may have to cook yourself. For that purpose, it is a good idea to bring your own seasoning products with you in your backpack. The list of seasonings is as follows:

  • 시나몬
  • 겨자 가루
  • 카다멈 화이트
  • 정향
  • 강황가루
  • 레드 칠리 파우더
  • 소금
  • 고수 가루
  • 비리야니 믹스 시즈닝
  • 생선 믹스 시즈닝
  • 검은 고추 가루
  • 블랙 카다멈

7. 해외여행에 필요한 식료품 목록

Moving to a country where your brands are no longer available is always a hectic thing. But the good idea is to bring your products with you. So, here is the list of products that you can decide to pack in your luggage before visiting a foreign country:

  • 분유(선택사항)
  • Rice (Recommended to people visiting China)
  • 차 분말 형태 또는 작은 봉지
  • 기호에 따라 피클(선택)
  • 1개월 이상 중국을 방문하시는 분들에게도 콩을 추천합니다.

8. 해외여행 시 필요한 서류 목록

We will walk you through the list of documents you will need in a foreign country for admission purposes or for other reasons.

  • Degrees, diplomas, and transcripts
  • 여권과 같은 신분증
  • 국제 운전 면허증
  • 여행 보험 정책
  • 여행자 수표
  • Passport-sized white background photographs
  • 의료 텍스트 기록 보고서
  • 대학 입학 초청장
  • 장학금 수여 편지
  • 비자 양식 사본
  • 마스터 또는 비자 서비스가 가능한 은행 카드
  • 탑승권
  • 미국 달러 통화
  • 방문 국가의 현지 언어로 된 대학 또는 사무실 주소와 전화번호

These eight categories listed above include almost every essential thing that you wish to take with you abroad. We highly recommend that our readers please comment down below if they think any item is missing from the above shopping list. Many items on this list were considered per the grocery list on WebMD.