A shopping list for students and foreign travelers is crucial for a successful international travel experience. It includes clothing, footwear, cosmetics, electronics, software, seasonings, and grocery products. Students should pack in the right quantity and bring the necessary documents.

An international travel packing list o shopping list for students is always very important before leaving for abroad, as well as for viajeros extranjeros. Ir de compras es siempre una necesidad de la vida. Shopping lists for students y shopping lists for foreign travelers are done according to necessity. Nowadays, we can find small as well as giant shopping malls around us. People used to buy the brands they trusted. Before leaving your home country, make sure you have followed the Shopping List for Students and the Shopping List for Foreign Travelers. But when people plan to visit a foreign country, it might be a little tricky to find your brands abroad. So, we compiled a shopping list for travelers and students. This is a complete list featuring each and every product required by you. We call it a foreigner’s handy backpack lista de equipaje para viajes internacionales.

Making a list of shopping items on paper is kind of handy. The alternate option is to use the top 4 Mashable Grocery List Apps lista de equipaje para viajes internacionales. Esto hace que sus compras sean más fáciles.

We suggest the right quantity of the products that can be packed in your suitcase. Most of the time, you may not find your own local brands in a visiting country. So you won’t be able to buy such products that were available to you back in your home country. Therefore, we recommend that you make a shopping list and buy your local branded products on your lista de equipaje para viajes internacionales.

As most airlines allow students to carry two suitcases, that means you can carry a lot of luggage along with you. A majority of students pack their bags with unnecessary things. That increases the luggage’s total weight. When they arrive at the university dorm, they realize that they did not bring important items. Such products are also not available in that country or may be available at a higher price. So, the basic drill is to pack your luggage in such a way that every essential item must be in your suitcase without carrying unnecessary things. This student shopping list includes all the necessary things that you may need for your future journey.

How much money do you need to buy the things listed in the shopping list?

If you plan on buying each and every item listed in this shopping list, then you will not be spending more than US$250 in total. If you buy anything not listed, it may result in increasing the total check amount you will receive in a shopping store. The price of a suitcase is not included in his comprehensive shopping list. Major colleges in the United States suggest in their college rules guidelines not to bring any prohibited things into the college premises.

1. Lista de prendas de vestir que debe empacar en su maleta con la cantidad sugerida

  • Pantalones (Sugerido 03)

  • Formal shirts and T-shirts as per your desired quantity (suggested: 2 each)
  • Blusa, Abrigo y Falda (02)

  • Tu traje tradicional (01) Para ser usado en eventos culturales en tu universidad extranjera

  • Conjuntos de pijamas o camisones (02)

  • Chaqueta cantidad (05)

  • Blusa (02)
  • Los artículos del conjunto de ropa interior se pueden comprar hasta (05)

  • Recomendación de toallas de tamaño completo (01)

  • One Bath bathrobe set (Optional)

  • La inclusión del pañuelo en el equipaje es opcional.

  • Servilletas (Necesidad Opcional)

  • Cinturones de cuero o cualquier otro tipo según su preferencia (02)
  • Turtleneck, Sweaters or Jacket (0 each)

  • Juegos de bufandas (02)
  • Guantes (elemento opcional)

  • Corbata para vestidos formales (02)
  • Medias unidades (05)

  • Woolen Thermals for the Winter Season for students (02)

2. Lista de artículos de calzado para empacar en sus maletas

  • Zapatos Formales (Cantidad Sugerida 01)
  • Zapatillas (01)
  • Sandalias Niño/Niña (02)
  • Joggers o zapatillas de sprint (01)
  • Traviesas que puedas necesitar (Opcional) (01)
  • Betún para zapatos (no recomendado)
  • Zapato de repuesto (No recomendado)

3. Lista de Productos Cosméticos que necesitas en un Viaje al Extranjero

  • Comb, mirror, electric or fuel-igniting lights, and surf are not recommended. (Forbidden on Flights as well.)
  • Kit de afeitado (Cantidad sugerida 01)
  • Productos de jabón, champú, pasta de dientes o loción (opcional)
  • Tijeras, cortaúñas, hilo de coser y aguja (no recomendado)
  • Cortapelos (Opcional)
  • Secador de pelo (01)
  • Plancha de pelo (01)
  • Máquina para rizar el cabello (01)
  • Peine electrónico para niña (01)
  • Waxing Products (It is recommended to bring Wax products if you can not use any other brands available in visiting country.)
  • Bloqueador Solar (Opcional) (01)
  • Lociones (Opcional) (01)
  • Máquina de afeitar electrónica (01) (Opcional)
  • Cortapelos electrónico (01) (Opcional)

4. Lista de Productos Electrónicos que necesitas en un Viaje al Extranjero

  • Computadora Laptop (Recomendado para mochila en equipaje de mano) (01)
  • teléfono inteligente (01)
  • Accesorios para teléfonos inteligentes
  • Despertador separado (No recomendado)
  • Reloj inteligente (01) (Opcional)
  • Disco duro externo o unidad USB (01) (Recomendado)
  • Tableta (01) (Opcional)

5. Lista de Softwares que necesitas en un Viaje al Extranjero

If you are traveling in a country where English is not a native language, then you might face issues. In supermarkets, you will find software in their language instead of English. So we always recommend that people bring software in their native languages with them.

  • Software de configuración de Windows (altamente recomendado)
  • Configuración del software de Microsoft Office (Artículo altamente recomendado)
  • Otro software que se le ocurra que pueda necesitar

6. Lista de Sazonadores que necesitas en un Viaje al Extranjero

If you are visiting a country where your native food won’t be available, then you may have to cook yourself. For that purpose, it is a good idea to bring your own seasoning products with you in your backpack. The list of seasonings is as follows:

  • Canela
  • Mostaza en polvo
  • cardamomo blanco
  • Clavos
  • Polvo de cúrcuma
  • chile rojo en polvo
  • Sal
  • Cilantro en polvo
  • Condimento Biryani Mix
  • Condimento de mezcla de pescado
  • chile negro en polvo
  • Cardamomo negro

7. Lista de productos comestibles que necesita en un viaje al extranjero

Moving to a country where your brands are no longer available is always a hectic thing. But the good idea is to bring your products with you. So, here is the list of products that you can decide to pack in your luggage before visiting a foreign country:

  • Leche en Polvo (Opcional)
  • Rice (Recommended to people visiting China)
  • Té en polvo o en bolsitas pequeñas
  • Encurtido a tu gusto (Opcional)
  • También se sugieren frijoles a las personas que visitan China por un período de más de 1 mes.

8. Lista de Documentos que necesitas en un Viaje al Extranjero

We will walk you through the list of documents you will need in a foreign country for admission purposes or for other reasons.

  • Degrees, diplomas, and transcripts
  • Documentos de identidad como Pasaporte
  • licencia de conducir internacional
  • Póliza de seguro de viaje
  • cheques de viajero
  • Passport-sized white background photographs
  • Informes de registro de texto médico
  • Carta de invitación de admisión de la universidad.
  • carta de otorgamiento de beca
  • Copia del formulario de visa
  • Tarjetas bancarias facilitadas con servicio Master o Visa
  • Pases de abordaje
  • moneda dólar estadounidense
  • Dirección de la universidad o de la oficina en el idioma local del país visitante con número de teléfono

These eight categories listed above include almost every essential thing that you wish to take with you abroad. We highly recommend that our readers please comment down below if they think any item is missing from the above shopping list. Many items on this list were considered per the grocery list on WebMD.