FUB-CSC PhD scholarships are open; apply now. The new Free University of Berlin-China Scholarship Council FUB-CSC PhD Program is now available to study in Germany for the year 2024. These scholarship positions are available for Chinese students.

北京連絡事務所は 2007 年に設立されました。ベルリン自由大学の代表事務所として、連絡事務所の活動の焦点は、中国と香港で大学の認知度を高め、地元の科学者をサポートし、新たな協力を開始することです。人民共和国のプロジェクト。また、中国奨学金評議会からの奨学金でベルリンに来る有資格の若手科学者の募集と選択にも特に重点を置いています。

It’s not a problem to do your PhD studies in English, particularly in the sciences. This year’s 2024 PhD offers all require English as a prerequisite. In certain areas, German isn’t required or helpful, like in philosophy or German studies. It depends mostly on the thesis’ subject and on the approval of the candidate’s supervisor. Please check the list of offered PhD positions and see the required language skills.

FUB-CSC PhD奨学金の説明

  • Applications Deadline: January 4, 2024
  • Course Level: CSC は 2 種類の奨学金を提供しています。
    完全な博士課程の研究: Scholarships for full PhD studies leading to a doctoral degree, awarded by Freie Universität Berlin. Duration of the CSC scholarship: 3–4 years.
    サンドイッチ博士号の研究: scholarships for candidates who are already doctoral students in China. Following the so-called ‘Sandwich Model’, Chinese PhD candidates can do PhD research both at their home university in China and at Freie Universität Berlin. The PhD title will ultimately be conferred by the Chinese university. Duration of the CSC scholarship: 1-2 years.
  • Study Subject: 毎年 9 月に、ベルリン自由大学は、CSC 奨学金を利用してベルリンで研究を行いたい CSC 候補者のために、さまざまな研究分野で多数のオープンな博士号を提供しています。
  • Scholarship Award: There are only 320 EUR to be paid per semester by each student as an enrollment and semester contribution fee, but this also includes a Berlin public transportation ticket.
  • Nationality: これらの奨学金のポジションは、中国の学生が利用できます。
  • Number of Scholarships: 30–40 open PhD positions, each offering a well-defined research project, are listed on the website under the FUB-CSC Program.
  • scholarship 取り込めます ドイツ

FUB-CSC PhD奨学金の資格

  • Eligible Countries: これらの奨学金のポジションは、中国の学生が利用できます。
  • Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
    CSC 奨学金の利用規約を確認し、中国奨学金評議会から提供された情報をよくお読みください。

スキーム 1 (フルタイムの PhD 研究)


·         Duration of the scholarship: 3–4 years.

·         Scholarship holders under Scheme 1 enroll at Freie Universität Berlin as doctoral students. Their research will be supervised by a professor at Freie Universität. (Some of the supervisors are researchers at a non-university research institute and also professors of FUB.)

·         If the students successfully complete all requirements and defend their dissertation, they will be awarded a PhD / doctoral degree from Freie Universität Berlin.



· 奨学金の期間: 1-2 年。

·         According to the Sandwich Model, a Chinese PhD candidate will do PhD research both at the home university in China and at Freie Universität Berlin.

· 博士号取得者の監督は、中国人とドイツ人の教授によって保証されます。

· 博士課程の 1 年目は中国の大学で履修します。その後、博士課程の学生は、ベルリン自由大学で 1 ~ 2 年間の研究を完了し、プロジェクト完了のために中国に戻ります。

· 博士号の称号は、最終的に中国の大学から授与されます。

English Language Requirements: It’s not a problem to do your PhD studies in English, particularly in the sciences. This year’s 2024 PhD offers all require English as a prerequisite.

In certain areas, German is required and helpful, like in philosophy or German studies. It depends mostly on the thesis’ subject and on the approval of the candidate’s supervisor. Please check the list of offered PhD positions and see the required language skills.

  • とても良い英語skills if English is the language of instruction for PhD studies. No prior knowledge of German is required in the following disciplines: 生物学、生物医学、化学、薬学、地球科学、数学、コンピューター サイエンス、物理学、地球科学、獣医学
  • 非常に良いドイツ語skills if German is the language of instruction for PhD studies. Usually in the humanities and social sciences, depending on the professor’s requirements.
    ドイツの証明書: TestDaF 証明書4つの部分すべてで少なくともグレード4で、合計スコアが少なくとも16点またDSH-2 証明書。

テスト要件: ベルリン自由大学は CET を認めていません。このテストは、中国以外では知られていません。 CSC には、IELTS または TOEFL テストも必要です。

FUB-CSC PhD奨学金申請手続き

How to apply: 2 つのアプリケーションが必要です (Freie Universität と CSC へ):

Application 1: Application to FUB to receive the necessary Invitation Letter for the CSC, issued by the university in the framework of the FUB-CSC Program (not issued by the professor!): FUB is advising about the program and the open positions offered by the professors, as well as processing the applications. Each application is to be submitted to FUB (not to the professor!) by January 4, 2024.

Application 2: Application to the CSC for a PhD scholarship: In the framework of the FUB-CSC Program, applicants will receive an invitation letter from Freie Universität Berlin/International Office (not from the professor!) following contact, an interview, and acceptance by the professor (between the end of January and mid-February). All accepted PhD candidates will receive the invitation letter by the end of February 2024.

Scholarship Link