FUB-CSC PhD scholarships are open; apply now. The new Free University of Berlin-China Scholarship Council FUB-CSC PhD Program is now available to study in Germany for the year 2024. These scholarship positions are available for Chinese students.

Kantor Penghubung Beijing didirikan pada tahun 2007. Sebagai kantor perwakilan Freie Universität Berlin, fokus pekerjaan Kantor Penghubung adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran universitas di Cina dan Hong Kong, serta mendukung ilmuwan lokal dan memulai kerja sama baru proyek di Republik Rakyat. Ada juga fokus khusus pada perekrutan dan seleksi ilmuwan junior yang memenuhi syarat yang datang ke Berlin dengan beasiswa dari Dewan Beasiswa China.

It’s not a problem to do your PhD studies in English, particularly in the sciences. This year’s 2024 PhD offers all require English as a prerequisite. In certain areas, German isn’t required or helpful, like in philosophy or German studies. It depends mostly on the thesis’ subject and on the approval of the candidate’s supervisor. Please check the list of offered PhD positions and see the required language skills.

Deskripsi Beasiswa FUB-CSC PhD

  • Applications Deadline: January 4, 2024
  • Course Level: CSC menawarkan dua jenis beasiswa:
    Studi PhD penuh: Scholarships for full PhD studies leading to a doctoral degree, awarded by Freie Universität Berlin. Duration of the CSC scholarship: 3–4 years.
    Studi PhD Sandwich: scholarships for candidates who are already doctoral students in China. Following the so-called ‘Sandwich Model’, Chinese PhD candidates can do PhD research both at their home university in China and at Freie Universität Berlin. The PhD title will ultimately be conferred by the Chinese university. Duration of the CSC scholarship: 1-2 years.
  • Study Subject: Setiap tahun di bulan September, Freie Universität Berlin menawarkan sejumlah besar posisi PhD terbuka di berbagai bidang penelitian untuk kandidat CSC yang ingin melakukan penelitian mereka di Berlin dengan beasiswa CSC.
  • Scholarship Award: There are only 320 EUR to be paid per semester by each student as an enrollment and semester contribution fee, but this also includes a Berlin public transportation ticket.
  • Nationality: Posisi beasiswa ini tersedia untuk siswa Cina.
  • Number of Scholarships: 30–40 open PhD positions, each offering a well-defined research project, are listed on the website under the FUB-CSC Program.
  • scholarship can be taken in Jerman

Kelayakan untuk Beasiswa PhD FUB-CSC

  • Eligible Countries: Posisi beasiswa ini tersedia untuk siswa Cina.
  • Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
    Silakan periksa syarat dan ketentuan beasiswa CSC dan baca dengan seksama informasi yang diberikan oleh Dewan Beasiswa China.

Skema 1 (Studi PhD penuh waktu)

Beasiswa untuk proyek studi PhD penuh waktu yang ditempuh di Freie Universität Berlin dan mengarah ke gelar doktoral Freie Universität

·         Duration of the scholarship: 3–4 years.

·         Scholarship holders under Scheme 1 enroll at Freie Universität Berlin as doctoral students. Their research will be supervised by a professor at Freie Universität. (Some of the supervisors are researchers at a non-university research institute and also professors of FUB.)

·         If the students successfully complete all requirements and defend their dissertation, they will be awarded a PhD / doctoral degree from Freie Universität Berlin.

Skema 2 (Penelitian PhD paruh waktu)

Beasiswa untuk tinggal penelitian, mengikuti apa yang disebut "Model Sandwich"

· Durasi beasiswa: 1-2 tahun.

·         According to the Sandwich Model, a Chinese PhD candidate will do PhD research both at the home university in China and at Freie Universität Berlin.

· Pengawasan kandidat PhD dilakukan oleh seorang profesor Cina dan Jerman.

· Tahun pertama program PhD akan ditempuh di universitas Cina. Mahasiswa PhD kemudian menyelesaikan satu sampai dua tahun penelitian di Freie Universität Berlin dan kembali ke China untuk penyelesaian proyek.

· Gelar PhD pada akhirnya akan diberikan oleh universitas Cina.

English Language Requirements: It’s not a problem to do your PhD studies in English, particularly in the sciences. This year’s 2024 PhD offers all require English as a prerequisite.

In certain areas, German is required and helpful, like in philosophy or German studies. It depends mostly on the thesis’ subject and on the approval of the candidate’s supervisor. Please check the list of offered PhD positions and see the required language skills.

  • Bahasa Inggris yang sangat baikskills if English is the language of instruction for PhD studies. No prior knowledge of German is required in the following disciplines: Biologi, Biomedis, Kimia, Farmasi, Ilmu Bumi, Matematika, Ilmu Komputer, Fisika, Ilmu Bumi dan Kedokteran Hewan
    Sertifikat Bahasa Inggrissertifikat IELTSdengan peringkat keseluruhan5 poinATAUsertifikat TOEFLdengan total skor95 poin
  • Bahasa Jerman yang sangat baikskills if German is the language of instruction for PhD studies. Usually in the humanities and social sciences, depending on the professor’s requirements.
    Sertifikat Jerman: sertifikat TestDaFdengan setidaknya kelas 4 di keempat bagian dan skor total setidaknya16 poinATAUSertifikat DSH-2.

Persyaratan Tes: Freie Universität Berlin tidak mengakui CET. Tes ini tidak diketahui di luar China. CSC juga membutuhkan tes IELTS atau TOEFL.

Prosedur Aplikasi Beasiswa FUB-CSC PhD

How to apply: Dua aplikasi diperlukan (untuk Freie Universität dan CSC):

Application 1: Application to FUB to receive the necessary Invitation Letter for the CSC, issued by the university in the framework of the FUB-CSC Program (not issued by the professor!): FUB is advising about the program and the open positions offered by the professors, as well as processing the applications. Each application is to be submitted to FUB (not to the professor!) by January 4, 2024.

Application 2: Application to the CSC for a PhD scholarship: In the framework of the FUB-CSC Program, applicants will receive an invitation letter from Freie Universität Berlin/International Office (not from the professor!) following contact, an interview, and acceptance by the professor (between the end of January and mid-February). All accepted PhD candidates will receive the invitation letter by the end of February 2024.

Scholarship Link