Are you looking for an opportunity to study in China with a scholarship? If so, you might want to consider the Liaoning Government Scholarship offered by the Dalian Maritime University (DMU). In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship, including its eligibility criteria, application process, benefits, and tips for a successful application.

What is the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship?

The DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship is a scholarship program that aims to attract outstanding international students to pursue their undergraduate or postgraduate studies at Dalian Maritime University in Liaoning province, China. The scholarship is funded by the Liaoning Provincial Government, and it covers full or partial tuition fees, accommodation fees, and living allowances.

Eligibility Criteria for the Dalian Maritime University Liaoning Government Scholarship 2024

To be eligible for the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship, you need to meet the following criteria:

Academic Requirements

  • For undergraduate programs: you should have a high school diploma or equivalent, and meet the academic requirements of the chosen program.
  • For postgraduate programs: you should have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and meet the academic requirements of the chosen program.

Language Requirements

  • For programs taught in Chinese: you should have a valid HSK certificate (level 4 or above).
  • For programs taught in English: you should have a valid TOEFL or IELTS certificate (or equivalent).

Age Requirements

  • For undergraduate programs: you should be under 25 years old.
  • For postgraduate programs: you should be under 35 years old.

Benefits of the Dalian Maritime University Liaoning Government Scholarship 2024

The DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship provides the following benefits:

  • Full tuition fee waiver
  • Accommodation fee waiver (on-campus dormitory)
  • Living allowance: CNY 1,500/month for undergraduate students, CNY 1,800/month for postgraduate students
  • Comprehensive Medical Insurance

How to apply for the Dalian Maritime University Liaoning Government Scholarship 2024

The application process for the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Choose a Program and Check Eligibility

First, you need to choose a program that you want to apply for, and check whether you meet the eligibility criteria. You can find the list of programs and their requirements on the DMU website or the China Scholarship Council (CSC) website.

Step 2: Prepare Application Documents

Once you have chosen a program and checked your eligibility, you need to prepare the following application documents:

All the documents should be in Chinese or English, or notarized translations in other languages.

Step 3: Apply Online and Submit Documents

After preparing the application documents, you need to apply online through the DMU International Student Application System, and upload the required documents. You should also choose “Liaoning Provincial Government Scholarship” as the scholarship type in the application system.

The deadline for the application is usually in April or May each year. You should check the DMU website or the CSC website for the exact deadline.

Consejos para una solicitud exitosa

To increase your chances of receiving the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship, you should follow these tips:

  • Choose a program that matches your academic background and interests.
  • Write a clear and concise research proposal (for postgraduate programs) that demonstrates your research potential and fits the research strengths of DMU.
  • Ask for recommendation letters from academic referees who know you well and can provide specific and positive feedback on your academic performance and potential.
  • Prepare your application documents carefully, and make sure they meet the requirements.
  • Apply as early as possible before the deadline, and submit all the required documents.

FAQs about the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship

What is the deadline for the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship application?

The deadline for the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship application is usually in April or May each year. You should check the DMU website or the CSC website for the exact deadline.

Can I apply for more than one program with the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship?

No, you can only apply for one program with the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship.

Do I need to submit my original documents for the application?

No, you can submit notarized copies of your documents or notarized translations in other languages.

How long does it take to get the scholarship result?

The scholarship result usually comes out in July or August each year. You will be notified by email or phone.

Can I apply for the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship if I am already studying in China?

No, you cannot apply for the DMU Liaoning Government Scholarship if you are already studying in China with a scholarship or self-funded.

IX Contáctenos

Para cualquier pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con:
Sala 403, Facultad de Educación Internacional, Universidad Marítima de Dalian,
Dirección: No.1 Linghai Road, High-tech Zone District, Dalian, República Popular de China.
Código: 116026,
Teléfono: +86-411-84727317
Fax: +86-411-84723025
Correo electrónico:[email protected]

Beca del gobierno de Liaoning en la Universidad Marítima de Dalian (DMU), bajo el mandato del gobierno provincial de Liaoning, la Universidad Marítima de Dalian está abriendo solicitudes para estudios de doctorado a tiempo completo en el marco del Programa de Becas del Gobierno Provincial de Liaoning 2024. Con el fin de facilitar la implementación de Liaoning Beca del gobierno provincial, se ha emitido la siguiente implementación detallada de acuerdo con el