Tianjin Üniversitesi Kimya Mühendisliği Lisans Programı Uluslararası Bursları, ISBCE, Çin'deki Tianjin Üniversitesi'nde okumak için Kimya Mühendisliği alanında 15'e kadar tam ve 10 Kısmi Uluslararası Lisans Programı Bursu sunmaktadır. Uluslararası (Çin vatandaşı olmayan) öğrenciler bu burslara başvurabilirler..

The University’s vision is to participate, through its role in the field of higher education and scientific research, in the creation of a unified, developed and advanced Non-Chinese Nation. International Scholarships for Bachelor Program in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University

Tianjin University School of International Education was established in January 2024; it is one of the secondary schools of Tianjin University. The school of International Education takes enrollment, teaching administration, social administration and services functions of international students at Tianjin University for its main task and also undertakes Chinese language teaching for international students. International Scholarships for Bachelor Program in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University

Degree Level: Scholarships are available to pursue a bachelor’s degree programme.International Scholarships for Bachelor Program in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University

Available Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Chemical Engineering.International Scholarships for Bachelor Program in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University

Scholarship Benefits: The full scholarship (RMB48, 800 in 2024) provides:

  • Lisans derecesi için dört yıllık öğrenim ücretleri (RMB20,000/yıl)
  • Dört yıllık yaşam ödeneğinin bir kısmı (2.400 RMB/ay)
  • The partial scholarship (RMB 36,800 in 2024) provides:
  • Lisans derecesi için dört yıllık öğrenim ücretleri (RMB20,000/yıl)
  • Dört yıllık yaşam ödeneğinin bir kısmı (1.400 RMB/ay)

Number of Scholarships: 15 tam burs ve 10 kısmi burs verilecektir.

Eligibility: The scholarship will be available to those applicants who: International Scholarships for Bachelor Program in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University

  • Başvuru sırasında Çin vatandaşı olmayanların sağlığı iyi olmalıdır;
  • Must be high school graduates with good academic standing and be over the age of 18 and under 35.

Eligible Nationalities: Uluslararası (Çin vatandaşı olmayan) öğrenciler bu burslara başvurabilirler.. International Scholarships for Bachelor Program in Chemical Engineering at Tianjin University

Application Procedure: TJU'da Okuyan Yabancılar için Başvuru Formu ve TJU Uluslararası Öğrenci Bursu (Kimya Mühendisliği) Başvuru Formu'nu doldurun;

  • Mail the application forms and all other application materials (one original and one copy ) to the International Admissions office at Tianjin University by May 15, 2024?
  • By the end of July 2024, Tianjin University will have reviewed the application and will have announced the final list of successful candidates.
  • letter of Admission and JW202 will be sent to the applicants?
  • Kabul mektubundaki tarihe göre Tianjin Üniversitesi'ne kaydolun.

The applicants must fill out and submit the following application materials:

  • Tianjin Üniversitesinde Okumak İsteyen Yabancılar İçin Başvuru Formu(buraya tıklayın to download the form) and Application Form for TJU International Students Scholarship (Chemical Engineering) (Formu indirmek için buraya tıklayın) Çince veya İngilizce yazarak doldurulmuş, yeni çekilmiş bir fotoğraf ile geçmiş;
  • Notarized certificate of the highest diploma. If applicants are university students, they must provide an official pre-graduation certificate showing their student status and stating expected graduation date, The original certificate should be provided after admission. If the applicants are employed, they must also provide proof of employment on the application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English (original one and a copy);
  • Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English;
  • Pasaport fotokopisi;
  • Applicants who want to join in the programs taught in Chinese must submit a HSK certificate. (asgari HSK 4 Skoru 180 veya üzeri gereklilik) ;
  • Applicants who want to join in the programs taught in English must submit a certificate of TOEFL (Score 80 or above), IELTS (Score 6.0 or above) or pass the English Language Test held by TJU.
  • Adli Sicil Kaydı Belgesi.
  • Note: All documents should be bound together in top left corner in the order of 1 to 6. (You should submit TWO sets of bound documents.) No application documents will be returned, regardless of the result of the application.

Deadline: The scholarship application deadline is May 15, 2024.

Scholarship Link


Tianjin Üniversitesi Kimya Mühendisliği Lisans Programı Uluslararası Bursları, ISBCE, Çin'deki Tianjin Üniversitesi'nde okumak için Kimya Mühendisliği alanında 15'e kadar tam ve 10 Kısmi Uluslararası Lisans Programı Bursu sunmaktadır. Uluslararası (Çin vatandaşı olmayan) öğrenciler bu burslara başvurabilirler..