Maphunziro a Boma la China

Phunzirani ku China pa maphunziro a boma la China:- (CGS) Maphunziro a CSC amapatsidwa ndiChina Scholarship Council (CSC)kwa ophunzira apadziko lonse lapansi m'mayunivesite aku China omwe amagwirizana nawoCSCCSC Scholarships ntchito pa intanetidongosolo kapena njira yolandirira imayamba kuyambira Disembala mpaka Epulo chaka chilichonse (nthawi zambiri). Koma tsiku Lomaliza lofunsira ku Yunivesite yosiyana ndi losiyanaChina ScholarshipsCSC Scholarships ntchito pa intaneti ndindizofunikira kwambiri kwa ofunsira maphunziro.

Pali 274Mayunivesite aku China omwe amapereka maphunziro kwa ophunzira apadziko lonse lapansichaka chilichonse. The lndi mayunivesite omwe ali pansi pa maphunziro aboma la Chinalikupezeka mu gawo lotsitsa. The Phunzirani Chitchaina ku Chinaikupezekanso pansi pa maphunziro. Pali mayunivesite ambiri omwe amaperekaMaphunziro a chilankhulo cha China ku ChinandiMBBS ku China.

Maphunziro ku China paMaphunziro a MOFCOM zoperekedwanso ndi China Scholarship Council kudzera mu Unduna wa Zamalonda wa People's Republic of China kuti ulimbikitse kulumikizana ndi mgwirizano pakati pa dziko la China ndi mayiko ena komanso kukulitsa luso la mayiko omwe akutukuka kumene.

Zotsatira za CSC: NdiZotsatira zamaphunziro aboma la Chinaamalengezedwa mpaka kumapeto kwa Julayi malinga ndiChina scholarship council(CSC China) ndondomeko. Ophunzira ochita bwino alowa nawo mayunivesite kuyambira koyambirira kwa Seputembala. TheZotsatira za CSCmungapeze apaZotsatira za CSC.Momwe mungalembe dongosolo lophunzirira maphunziro aku Chinamungapeze mu download gawo.

Maphunzirowa amaperekedwa kwa ophunzira kudzera m'mabungwe monga,

  • Maphunziro a boma la China kudzera ku yunivesite
  • Kazembe waku China m'maiko ena, omwe ali ndi ubale ndi China.

Ophunzira amatha kukonzekera zolemba zawo ndikuzipereka ku yunivesite mwachindunji. Monga momwe ntchito ya kazembe imakhudzidwira, kazembe nthawi zambiri amalandila zofunsira kumayiko ena kudzera ku Higher Education Institute. Scholarship kudzera ku ambassy imatchedwanso "Bilateral Program".Maphunziro a boma la China

CGS ntchitonjira ndiyosavuta ndipo ophunzira amatha kukonzekera ntchito yawo mosavuta Wophunzira safunikira kufunsa ndikulipira ndalama kwa wothandizira/katswiri aliyense. Ngati wina anena kuti ndi wabodza ndipo akuchita zinthu zosaloledwa.nambala yabungwe ndi chiyani mu maphunziro a boma la China? osadandaula kuti ikupezekanso mu gawo lotsitsa la China Scholarship.

Momwe Mungalembetsere Maphunziro a Boma la China? Momwe mungagwiritsire ntchito maphunziro a China?Momwe mungapezere maphunziro aku China? Ophunzira Onse Atsopano amangotsatira Ndondomeko iyi kupeza Scholarshippansipulogalamu yamaphunziro a boma la China. Master ndi Ph.D. ophunzira pafupifupi m'mafayilo aliwonse atha kulembetsa ku Scholarship Ie Engineering, Medical, management, law etc.

Ngati mungafunse mungatifunse pa Facebook, Twitter, Youtube kapena google kuphatikiza

Njira Yonse Yogwiritsira Ntchito, Tsatirani Pang'onopang'ono

Gawo 1: Pezani mayunivesite ena abwino omwe ali ndi dipatimenti yanu ndipo amagwirizana ndi CGS. apa ndi Mndandanda wa Maphunziro a Yunivesite Yanzeru Pansi pa CSC.

Video: Momwe Mungapezere Yunivesite Yanu Yofunika,

Gawo 2:Lumikizanani ndi Pulofesa wa yunivesiteyo ndikumupempha kuti akuvomereni ngati wophunzira. apa ndi Chitsanzo cha Imelo. Kuvomerezedwa ndi pulofesa kumawonjezera mwayi wanu wamaphunziro ndipo izi sizolimba kwambiri.

Kanema wovomerezeka Momwe mungapezere Pulofesa (Woyang'anira) :

Akavomera Kukulandirani ndiye mumutumize Woyang'anira Pempho Letterkapena Chilembo chovomerezeka

Gawo 3: Lembani aCSC Online Ntchito FomukudzeraKulowa kwa Scholarship ya Boma la China.

Ulalo Wovomerezeka zaFomu Yolembetsa Yapaintaneti ya CSCkudzeraCSC wophunzira kulowa:

Kanema: Momwe mungadzazire fomu yofunsira:

Pali Magawo atatu a Scholarship

  1. CSC Scholarship Gulu A
  2. CSC Scholarship Gulu B
  3. Gulu la CSC Scholarship C
  • CSC Scholarship Gulu A (Sankhani ngati mungalembetse kudzera ku Embassy yaku China)

Kumbukirani molingana ndi Ndondomeko Yatsopano ya Khonsolo Yamaphunziro yaku China mutha kulembetsa ku 2 University kudzera China Embassy.

  • CSC Scholarship Gulu B (Sankhani ngati mungalembetse kudzera ku Yunivesite)

Kumbukirani molingana ndi zatsopano Bungwe la maphunziro aku China Policy mutha kulembetsa ku 1 University kudzera Gulu B

  • CSC Scholarship Category C (Sankhani ngati mutagwiritsa ntchito zina)
  • Pamene mukufunsira mwachindunji ku Yunivesite ya China, ndiye kuti mudzasankha CSC Scholarship Gulu B mu CSC Scholarship Online Application System pakudzaza fomu.

Gawo 4: Malizitsani”Zolemba Zoyeserera Zathupi za Mlendo” fomu ndikuphatikizanso malipoti ofunikira ndi ichiFomu Yachipatalachomwe chimatchedwansoFomu Yoyezetsa Zathupi Lakunja

Gawo 5: Tengani kusindikiza ndikumaliza mndandanda wa Zolemba zotsatirazi

Chidziwitso: Tsimikizirani zolemba zanu zonse zamaphunziro zochokera ku Notary Republic.

PambuyoMaphunziro a boma aku China pa intanetindi chofunika china, muyenera Pezani adiresi ya University International Students Office ndi kutumiza zikalata ku yunivesite mutatha kulumikiza ndi fomu yosindikizidwa kudzera mu utumiki wabwino wotumizira makalata mwachitsanzo, DHL (pogwiritsa ntchito phukusi la ophunzira) ndi zina. Ndipo mukhoza kutchula patsamba limodzi. mukufunsiraMaphunziro a CSC pansi China Scholarship Council.

Silk Road Scholarship komanso kudziwa ngatiRoad ndi Belt Scholarship kapenaZoletsedwa City Scholarship(FCS) za Beijing University akuperekanso under China Scholarships Council. Ndalama zamaphunziro ndizofanana Maphunziro a Boma la China. Maphunzirowa adapangidwira mayiko omwe ali gawo laBelt and Road Initiative (BRI) kapena Pulogalamu ya Silk Road Economic Belt. The thandizo lazachuma kwa wophunzira wasukulu yomaliza idzaperekedwa pansi pa maphunziro. Pali 279 aku China mayunivesite aku China omwe amapereka maphunziro kwa ophunzira apadziko lonse lapansi.

Visa yaku China: Mukasankha muyenera visa yaku China. The fomu yofunsira visa yaku China akhoza dawunilodi kuchokera download gawo. The visa yaku Chinandizosavuta kupeza mayiko otukuka. mukhoza kupezautumiki wa visa yaku China zomwe zingakuthandizeni kukulitsa vuto lanu. Musanadzazechina chitupa cha visa chikapezeka pa intanetimuyenera kuwerengazofunikira za visa yaku China chifukwa pali magulu ambiri a visa. Mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya visa imakhala ndi zofunika zosiyanasiyana Monga Zofunikira za visa yaku China ndiZofunikira za visa yaku China X ndi zosiyana. Mutha kulembetsakwa Visa yaku ChinamuKazembe waku China ku dziko lako.

279 China Mayunivesite Akuvomereza Ophunzira a Boma la China ochokera padziko lonse lapansi.

Ayi.Dzina la Yunivesite
1Anhui Agricultural University
2Anhui Medical University
3Anhui Normal University
4Yunivesite ya Anhui
5Anshan Normal University
6Anshan Normal University Liaoning China
7Yunivesite ya Beijing
8Beijing Film Academy
9Beijing Foreign Studies University
10Yunivesite ya Beijing Forestry
11Beijing Institute of Technology
12Beijing International Studies University
13Yunivesite ya Beijing Jiaotong
14Beijing Language and Culture University
15Beijing Normal University
16Beijing Sport University
17Beijing Technology ndi Business University
18Beijing University of Chemical Technology
19Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
20Beijing University of Posts ndi Telecommunications
21Beijing University of Technology
22Yunivesite ya Bohai
23Capital Institute of Physical Education
24Capital Medical University
25Capital Normal University
26Capital University of Economics & Business
27Central Academy of Fine Arts
28Central China Normal University
29Central Conservatory of Music
30Central South University
31Central University of Finance ndi Ecnomics
32Chang'an University
33Changchun University
34Changchun University of Chinese Medicine
35China University of Political Science and Law
36Changsha University of Science and Technology
37Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
38China Academy of Art
39China Agriculture University
40China Conservatory
41China Foreign Affairs University
42China Medical University
43China Pharmaceutical University
44China Three Gorges University
45China University of Political Science and Law
46China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
47China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
48China University of Mining and Technology
49China University of Petroleum
50China University of Petroleum (Huadong)
51China Youth University of Political Studies
52Chongqing Jiaotong University
53Chongqing Medical University
54Chongqing Medical University
55Chongqing University
56Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
57Communication University of China
58Dalian Jiaotong University
59Dalian Maritime University
60Dalian Medical University
61Dalian Polytechnic University
62Dalian University of Foreign Languages
63Dalian University of Technology
64Dalian University of Technology
65Donghua University
66East China Normal University
67East China University of Political Science and Law
68East China University of Science & Technology
69Fudan University
70Fujian Agricultrue and Forestry University
71Fujian Medical University
72Fujian Normal University
73Fujian University of Technology
74Fuzhou University
75Gannan Normal University
76Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
77Guangxi Medical University
78Guangxi Normal University
79Guangxi Teachers Education University
80Yunivesite ya Guangxi
81Guangxi University for Nationalities
82Guangzhou Medical University
83Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
84Guilin University of Electronic Technology
85Guizhou Minzu University
86Guizhou Normal University
87Yunivesite ya Guizhou
88Hainan Normal University
89Yunivesite ya Hainan
90Hangzhou Normal University
91Hangzhou Normal University
92Harbin Institute of Technology
93Harbin Medical University
94Harbin Normal University
95Harbin University of Science and Technology
96Hebei Medical University
97Hebei Normal University
98Yunivesite ya Hebei
99Hebei University of Economics and Business
100Hebei University of Technology
101Yunivesite ya Hefei
102Hefei University of Technology
103Heihe University
104Yunivesite ya Heilongjiang
105Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine
106Yunivesite ya Henan
107Henan University of Chinese Medicine
108Henan University of Technology
109Yunivesite ya Hohai
110Huangshan University
111Huazhong Agricultural University
112Huazhong University of Science and Technology
113Hubei University
114Hubei University of Chinese Medicine
115Hunan Normal University
116Hunan University
117Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
118Inner Mongolia Normal University
119Inner Mongolia University
120Inner Mongolia University for The Nationalities
121Inner Mongolia University of Technology
122Inner Mongolia University of Technology
123Yunivesite ya Jiangnan
124Jiangsu University
125Jiangxi Agricultural University
126Jiangxi Normal University
127Jiangxi University of Finance ndi Economics
128Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
129Jilin Agricultural University
130Jilin Normal University
131Jilin University
132Jinan University
133Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute
134Kunming Medical University
135Kunming University of Science and Technology
136Yunivesite ya Lanzhou Jiaotong
137Yunivesite ya Lanzhou
138Lanzhou University of Technology
139Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
140Yunivesite ya Beihang
141Chongqing Technology & Business University
142Harbin Engineering University
143Liaoning Medical University

Ayi.Dzina la Yunivesite
140Liaoning Normal University
141Liaoning Shihua University
142Liaoning Technical University
143Yunivesite ya Liaoning
144Liaoning University of Technology
145Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
146Ludong University
147Minzu University of China
148Mudanjiang Normal University
149Nanchang Hangkong University
150Nanchang University
151Nanjing Agricultural University
152East China University of Science and Technology
153Nanjing Normal University
154Nanjing University
155Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
156Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
157Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
158Nanjing University of Science and Technology
159Nanjing University of the Arts
160Nankai University
161Ningbo University
162Ningbo University of Technology
163Ningxia Medical University
164Ningxia University
165North China Electric Power University
166Northeast Agricultural University
167Northeast Dianli University
168Northeast Forestry University
169Northeast Normal University
170Northeastern University
171Northwest A&F University
172Northwest Normal University
173Northwest Normal University
174Yunivesite ya Northwest
175Ocean University of China
176Yunivesite ya Peking
177Yunivesite ya Qingdao
178Qingdao University of Science and Technology
179Qinghai Nationalities University
180Yunivesite ya Qinghai
181Yunivesite ya Qiqihar
182Renmin University of China
183Shaanxi Normal University
184Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine
185Shandong Normal University
186Yunivesite ya Shandong
187Shandong University of Science and Technology
188Shandong University of Technology
189Shanghai Conservatory of Music
190Shanghai International Studies University
191Yunivesite ya Shanghai Jiaotong
192Shanghai Maritime University
193Shanghai Normal University
194Shanghai Ocean University
195Yunivesite ya Shanghai
196Shanghai University of Finance ndi Economics
197Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
198Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
199Shanghai University of Sport
200Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
201Shantou University
202Shanxi University
203Shenyang Aerospace University
204Shenyang Jianzhu University
205Shenyang Ligong University
206Shenyang Normal University
207Shenyang University of Technology
208Shihezi University
209Sichuan International Studies University
210Sichuan University
211Soochow University
212South China Agricultural University
213South China Normal University
214South China University of Technology
215Southeast University
216Southern Medical University
217Southwest Jiaotong University
218Southwest University
219Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
220Sun Yat-Sen University
221Taiyuan University of Technology
222The Central Academy of Drama
223The Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
224Tianjin Foreign Studies University
225Tianjin Medical University
226Tianjin Polytechnic University
227Tianjin University
228Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
229Tianjin University of Science and Technology
230Tianjin University of Technology
231Tianjin University of Technology and Education
232Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
233Tianjing Normal University
234Tongji University
235Tsinghua University
236University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
237University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
238University of International Business and Economics
239University of Jinan
240University of Science and Technology of China
241University of Science and Technology Beijing
242University of Science and Technology Liaoning
243University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
244Wenzhou Medical University
245Wenzhou University
246Wuhan Institute of Physical Education
247Wuhan Textile University
248Wuhan University
249Wuhan University of Technology
250Wuyi University
251Xiamen University
252Xiamen University of Technology
253Xian International Studies University
254Xi'an Jiaotong University
255Xi'an Shiyou University
256Xiangtan University
257Xidian University
258Xinjiang Medicine University
259Xinjiang Normal University
260Xinjiang University
261Yanbian University
262Yangtze University
263Yangzhou University
264Yanshan University
265Yantai University
266Yunnan Agricultural University
267Yunnan Normal University
268Yunnan University
269Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
270Yunnan University of Nationalities
271Zhejiang Gongshang University
272Zhejiang Normal University
273Zhejiang Ocean University
274Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
275Zhejiang University
276Zhejiang University of Science & Technology
277Zhejiang University of Technology
278Zhengzhou University
279Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
280Schwarzman Scholars
281IB Diploma Academic Fully-funded Scholarships
282Western International School of Shanghai

What is the CSC Scholarship? What is China Scholarship Council? What is China Scholarship?

CSC Scholarship 2024 is offered by the Chinese Scholarship Council, which is also called and known as Chinese Government Scholarships (CGS). Chinese Scholarship Council offering fully funded Scholarship under Chinese Government Scholarships (CGS) program to study bachelor degree programs, master degree programs, and doctoral degree programs in Chinese Universities.

There are many Scholarship offered by the Chinese Scholarship Council under Chinese Government Scholarships (CGS) programs:

  • Chinese Government Scholarship-Great Wall Program
  • Chinese Government Scholarship-EU Program
  • Chinese Government Scholarship-AUN Program
  • Marine Scholarship of China
  • Chinese Government Scholarship-WMO Program
  • Chinese Government Scholarship-PIF Program
  • Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program
  • Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program
  • MOFCOM Scholarship

Scholarship applicant can apply for the CSC Scholarship more than one University at the same time. I would suggest you do not apply for more than three universities. However, you have to fill separate CSC scholarship online application form for CSC scholarship and University Application form for admission and then submit it separately to each university. As per the details verified by the Chinese Scholarship Council, international students have the liberty to apply for admission under scholarships in 273 universities and these universities are recognized with  China Scholarships Council.

What are your chances to win a Chinese Government Scholarship?

If you grades in the study are higher than average and you have a clear and novel research proposal kapenastudy plan, then you have high chances of being selected for the Chinese Government Scholarship, which is offered by CSC in any of the 273 Chinese University which is recognized with Chinese Scholarship Council. There are many cases happens in Chinese Universities we have seen students with high grades often were rejected because they did not write a research proposal or study plan. Therefore, you should write plagiarism free by yourself with your own words as well as you could get the idea from the mentioned sample in the download section. We also seen the average student successfully won fully funded Chinese Scholarships just because of their complete listed documentation and well-researched and nicely written study plan or research proposal with clear thoughts.

Can scholarships applicant apply for CSC Scholarship in more than one University?

NEW CSC Policy Updated: Within each enrollment year, each applicant is allowed submit no more than 3 applications, including a maximum of 2 Type A and 1 Type B applications. Multiple Type A applications of one applicant shall not be submitted to the same agency. Under the circumstance that applicant of Type B application having several preferred Chinese universities, the applicant shall choose one of them for scholarship application. The university within the submitted Type B application will be regarded as the applicant’s final decision, which is not allowed to change when the application is processed.

Just you need to make sure to fill separate CSC Scholarship online application forms for university. If you apply for Chinese Scholarship in more than one university through A type, it will increase the chances to win a Scholarship. China Scholarship Council officials change the policy only in 3 universities by following 1 through CSC Scholarship category B and 2 through CSC Scholarship category A.

If in case, you are selected by more than one University for CSC Scholarship. And then China Scholarship Council will decide which university is good enough for you and you will then be admitted under CSC Scholarship in that particular University. There are nearly 273 Chinese Universities awarding CSC Scholarships to international students.

If China Scholarship Council will decide university for you than you do not have a chance to change your university after notification.

What if the student doesn’t have an acceptance letter from a supervisor (Professor) from any Chinese University? 

Don’t worry; The acceptance letter is not mandatory for the scholarship it is plus point which can increase your chance. Every year there are 50 % of Chinese Government Scholarship winners does not have an acceptance letter. They impress to scholarship selection committee from their research proposal or study plan. As well as some universities took an interview if they impress them during the interview,  defiantly they will win any of the above-mentioned Chinese scholarships.

Can scholarships applicant student apply for a CSC Scholarship on Hope Certificate?

Yes, of course you can apply for the CSC Scholarship by providing a hope certificate of the result of the final semester. Just make sure you will get your degree before arriving in China (Late August to mid of September). When you are applying for scholarships, you can attach the hope certificate along with your all documents and submit it to the international student office (ISO) of the concerned university for consideration of CSC Scholarship.

Is Chinese language or IELTS, TOFEL is required for a Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS)?

NO! In China, 99% Universities don’t need IELTS kapena TOEFL if your Mothertongue is English kapena language of instruction was English during your last study at your country. You can get an English language proficiency certificate from your previous university, and it will work. There are many universities they have the language of instruction Chinese only, but they are offering one-year Chinese language under CSC scholarships, you don’t need to apply separately, the university will do for you all, and I think its kind opportunity to learn the Chinese language. If you are the concern with thesis it entirely depends on your professor, they usually agree to write the thesis in English, so you don’t have to worry about this.

Is there any list of Chinese Universities without application Fee?

There are some Chinese Universities they don’t have application fee at all, and there are some universities they have the fee, but in case you are applying for CSC scholarship under Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program, they will not charge you. There are some universities after CSC notification you can submit the application fee. An Updated list of Chinese Universities without application fee was published on our site, which can help you to apply for a Chinese Government Scholarship without paying the application fee.

what is agency number china scholarship? What is the agency number for Chinese Government Scholarship?

The Agency Number is basically a number specifically which is allotted to each public university in China to apply for a scholarship. In a simple word, each Chinese university agency number is a unique number which used to differentiate with other universities, and which is a required item when students want to apply to be admitted into this university or other scholarships which related with this university. Here is the Chinese Universities Agency Number List.

Can international student work in China during their studies?

If you are international students in Chinese University and you want to work part-timethen you need a NOC letter from your Supervisor to submit it to the foreign student office (FSO) to obtain the license to work as a part-time student in China. Recently official notice published by the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security China, the students who are graduated with a master’s degree or a higher degree from a Chinese university (or from a recognized university abroad) may get an employment license and work permit, and they will be permitted to work in China.

Can I study while working in China?

Yes, you can work while studying in China. But before 2023, part-time jobs kapena internships in China for international students were not allowed while studying in China. But the Chinese government understood that this policy avoids international students from taking admissions in China, and then they changed the law. Now international students can easily find part-time English language teaching jobs or other part-time jobs in China while studying at any Chinese University. To make it legal, you need a NOC letter from your supervisor and then submit it to the international student office (ISO) to obtain a part-time job license alongside your studies.

As of now, if you need a part-time job, you must have a student visa kapena X – Visa. There are two types of X-Visas. X1 Visa is issued to the international students coming to China for their advanced study that has a course duration of six months. X2 Visa is issued for the students studying course duration of fewer than six months in China. X series visa is only for the student.

What is CSC Scholarships Age Limit Requirement?

  • Undergraduate Degree (25 years)
  • Masters Degree (35 years)
  • Doctoral Degree (40 years)

What are CSC Scholarships Category and Type A, Type B and Type C?

There are main three China Scholarships categories.

  • CSC Scholarship Category A (Select it if you apply via Embassy)
  • CSC Scholarship Category B (Select it if you apply to University)
  • CSC Scholarship Category C (Select it if you apply via other sources)

What are the Benefits of China Scholarship?

  • Undergrad Program CSC Scholarship: CNY 2500 RMB Monthly Stipend, free tuition, and free accommodation
  • Master Program Students CSC Scholarship: CNY 3000 RMB Monthly Stipend, free tuition, and free room
  • Doctoral Program Students CSC Scholarship: CNY 3500 RMB Monthly Stipend, free tuition, and free room

What is the English Proficiency Certificate?

A English proficiency certificate is a document which shows that your latest course degree was taught in the English language in your last attended college or University.

How to obtain an English Proficiency Certificate from college or University?

An applicant of the CSC Scholarship can visit registrar office of the last attended College or University to ask for English Proficiency Certificate that certifies that the last attended degree was taught in the English language.

What is the best doctoral programs in education in China?

The best doctoral programs in education in China is really good, Especially if you Apply in Top Ranking Universities, as these universities are also offering educational leadership doctoral programs online in China. You can also get degree in online marketing education kapena digital marketing degree course in China. The also offering business doctoral programs online.

Chinese Universities without the Application Fee

1Chongqing University
2Donghua University Shanghai
3Jiangsu University
4Capital Normal University
5The Dalian University of Technology
6Northwestern Polytechnical University
7Nanjing University
8Southeast University
9University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
10Sichuan University
11Southwest Jiaotong University
12Wuhan University of technology
13Yunivesite ya Shandong
14Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
15Tianjin University
16Fujian University
17Southwest University
18Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
19Wuhan University
20Harbin Engineering University
21Harbin University of science and technology
22Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
23Yanshan University
24Nanjing Agricultural University
25Huazhong Agricultural University
26Northwest A&F University
27Yunivesite ya Shandong
28The Renmin University of China
28Northeast Normal University
30Northwest A & F University
31Shaanxi Normal University
33Zeijang University

Local Government Scholarships

NOScholarships Providers
1Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship
2Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship
3Henan Provincial Government Scholarship
4Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government Scholarships
5Guangdong Government Scholarships
6Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarships
7Guizhou Government Scholarships
8Liaoning Government Scholarship
9Jilin Provincial Government Scholarship
10Tianjin Government Scholarship
11Jinan Government Scholarship
12Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship
13Anhui Government Scholarships
14Yunnan Provincial Government Scholarships
15Yunnan Government Scholarship
16Shanghai Government Scholarship
17Zhejiang Province Government Scholarships
18Yiwu Government Scholarship
19Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship
20Ningbo Government Scholarship
21Hangzhou Government Scholarship
22Liaoning Government Scholarships
23Jiangsu Jasmine Scholarships
24Chongqing Municipal Government scholarships
25Guangxi Government Scholarship
26Heilongjiang Government Scholarships
27Inner Mongolia Government Scholarship
28Jiangxi Provincial Government Scholarship
29Shandong Government Scholarship
30Hubei Provincial Scholarships
31Sichuan Provincial Government Scholarship
32Jiangsu Jasmine Scholarship at JNU
33Fujian Government Scholarship
34LZU Confucius Institute International Scholarship
35Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
36Shanghai Jiao Tong University Graduate funding
37University of Nottingham Strategic Research Scholarships
38Jiangsu Provincial Government

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