The Tsinghua University Scholarships for International Students, Schwarzman Scholars Program, is open to excellent students from all over the world, funded by American financier Stephen A. Schwarzman. This program provides scholarships to pursue the master degree at Tsinghua University in China.

The aim of the scholarships is to provide learning opportunities with leaders from China and around the world through high-level interactions at lectures, an internship program, a mentor’s network, and intensive deep-dive travel seminars. Tsinghua University Scholarships for International Students


Degree Level: These scholarships are available for pursuing a master’s degree programme. Tsinghua University Scholarships for International Students

Available Subject: These scholarships are awarded in the fields of economics and business, international studies, or public policy.

Scholarship Benefits: These scholarships will cover the following:

  • 授業料
  • 部屋と板
  • 学年度の初めと終わりに北京への往復旅行
  • 国内研修旅行
  • 必要なコースブックと備品
  • レノボのノートパソコンとスマートフォン
  • 健康保険
  • 3,500ドルの個人奨学金
  • Schwarzman Scholars will be the single largest philanthropic undertaking by primarily foreign donors ever in China with a $450 million endowment. Tsinghua University Scholarships for International Students

Number of Scholarships: 10 の奨学金を利用できます。

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria for the scholarship:

  • 認定されたカレッジまたは大学の学士号または最初の学位、またはそれに相当するもの。
    Applicants who are currently enrolled in undergraduate degree programs must be on track to successfully complete all degree requirements by August 1, 2024, before orientation begins. There are no requirements for a specific field of undergraduate study; all fields are welcome, but it will be important for applicants, regardless of their undergraduate major, to articulate how participating in Schwarzman Scholars will help develop their leadership potential within their field.Age Requirement.
  • Candidates must be at least 18 but not yet 29 years of age as of August 1, 2024.

Eligible Nationality: 世界中からの応募者がこれらの奨学金に応募できます。

Application Procedure: 申請者は、オンライン プロセッサを通じて申請できます。

  • 要求された個人的な声明と以下の補足コンポーネントを含む、完全で正常に提出されたオンライン申請書。
  • Uploaded transcripts/academic records from every degree-granting college or university attended (undergraduate or graduate) must be combined into one PDF and then uploaded. If transcripts are not in English, official translations must be included.
  • 4通の電子推薦状。これらの手紙の少なくとも 1 通は、候補者の申請書に記載されているリーダーシップの具体例についてコメントできる推薦者からのものでなければなりませんが、推薦者は少なくとも、候補者の直接の知識から候補者のリーダーシップの資質についてコメントできなければなりません。推奨事項が別の言語で書かれている場合は、プロの翻訳者によって英語に翻訳されなければなりません。
  • For currently enrolled undergraduate students, one of the four letters should be an institutional letter of recommendation (if their university can provide this service): This brief letter should provide the following information: If this student is an undergraduate, is s/he on track to complete all requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree (or its equivalent) before August 1, 2024? If this student is an undergraduate, when will the degree be awarded? Is there anything additional and specific about this candidate that you feel the selection committee should know that is not likely reflected in other parts of the application? Especially helpful are insights that explain academic accomplishments, awards, or extracurricular activities in the context of the university/college—things that an application reader might now know about that particular institution, for example: “This award is given to only one student per year at our college.” Depending on the university, different offices may complete this letter of assessment. A Fellowships Office or a comparable university-wide service office offers this type of assessment in many American universities. In other universities, the registrar or the dean of students might complete it.
  • Video: Submission of a video is strongly recommended but not required. The video can be up to one minute in length, and candidates are invited to introduce themselves in any style or setting they think best conveys their interests and personalities. Note: The file must be less than 20MB in order for you to upload it to the application.
  • 3 つのセクションからなるエッセイ: エッセイは 3 つの異なるセクションに分類されます。個人的な声明 (最大 750 語): あなたの職業上の関心と価値観、および Schwarzman Scholars プログラムと中国に関するより深い知識があなたの目標の達成にどのように役立つかを説明してください。プログラム終了後 1 ~ 3 年間の短期的な目標と、長期的な願望の両方を説明してください。 Schwarzman Scholars のコミュニティとプログラムの使命にどのように貢献しますか?
  • Leadership Essay (up to 750 words): We want candidates to provide specific examples of their leadership that explore their abilities to understand challenges and opportunities, envision solutions, take initiative to act, inspire others to join an effort, and push through resistance and/or challenges in reaching results. The applicant’s example(s) of leadership might address some but not all of these characteristics. Examples might include efforts such as founding a student organisation that successfully addressed a pressing need on campus; taking on an influential role in an existing organization to redirect or revitalize it in the context of a new challenge; and founding and running a startup to take advantage of an emerging opportunity. Candidates should not let these examples limit their thinking and should draw on their own personal experiences for similar examples of leadership. Candidates should avoid describing situations that might fall into one of the following categories, all of which are valuable learning and growth experiences, but do not give the committee a deeper understanding of the applicant’s leadership over extended periods of time: (1) accomplishing a difficult but typical task assigned to you in the workplace; (2) solving brief problems of cultural miscommunication while traveling or studying overseas (3) simply winning office in a student or community organization (It is, however, helpful to describe the challenges faced and accomplishments achieved in office.) (4) brief situational challenges (Focus instead on longer-term projects and challenges.) Tsinghua University Scholarships for International Students
  • 時事問題のエッセイ (500 語以内): 現代の社会、国際、ビジネス、環境、外交、芸術、またはその他の政策で関心のある問題を選択してください。このエッセイでは、このトピックに影響を与える現在の要因と傾向を説明し、より平和で繁栄した未来に貢献するために、地方、国、または国際的な指導者がどのように介入すべきかについて現実的な推奨事項を作成する必要があります。
  • 現在の履歴書/履歴書: あなたの国での雇用申請に適した履歴書または履歴書を提出してください。これは 2 ページを超えることはできません。


Deadline:  For applicants of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao can apply until May 31, 2024, and Applicants holding a passport from any other country can apply until September 28, 2024.

Scholarship Link
