Fellowships for Developing Countries Students, The Government of the People’s Republic of China has placed at the disposal of UNESCO for the academic year 2024 seventy-five (75) fellowships for advanced studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

These fellowships are for the benefit of developing the Member States in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Europe, North America and Arab region. Fellowships for Developing Countries Students

L'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura è un'agenzia specializzata delle Nazioni Unite. L'UNESCO incoraggia la pace internazionale e il rispetto universale dei diritti umani promuovendo la collaborazione tra le nazioni. Borse di studio per i paesi in via di sviluppo Studenti

Applicants applying for general scholar programs must be under the age of forty-five (45) and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study; and those applying for senior scholar programmes must be a master’s degree holder or an associate professor (or above) and under the age of fifty (50).Fellowships for Developing Countries Students

Livello di laurea:Sono disponibili borse di studio per studi avanzati a livello universitario e post-laurea. Borse di studio per studenti dei paesi in via di sviluppo

Available Subject: Borse di studio sono offerte nei campi degli studi proposti presso le università cinesi selezionate. Borse di studio per studenti dei paesi in via di sviluppo

Numero di premi: Vengono offerte 75 borse di studio.

Vantaggi della borsa di studio:Il programma Great Wall offre una borsa di studio completa che copre l'esonero dalle tasse scolastiche, l'alloggio, lo stipendio e l'assicurazione medica completa. Fare riferimento a Introduzione a CGS—Copertura e standard per i dettagli di ciascun articolo. L'UNESCO copre la tariffa di viaggio internazionale, un'indennità mensile tascabile e un'indennità di licenziamento.


  • Applicants applying for general scholar programs must be under the age of forty-five (45) and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and those applying for senior scholar programmes must be a master’s degree holder or an associate professor (or above) and under the age of fifty (50).
  • È richiesta la conoscenza della lingua inglese.
  • Essere in buona salute, sia mentalmente che fisicamente.

Nationality: Applicants from Africa, ASIA and the Pacific, Arab States, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and North America can apply for these fellowships.

Elenco dei Paesi: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Camerun, Capo Verde, Repubblica Centrafricana, Ciad, Comore, Congo, Costa d'Avorio, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Gibuti, Guinea Equatoriale, Eritrea, Etiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambico, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Ruanda, Sao Tomé e Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sud Africa, Swaziland, Togo, Uganda, Repubblica Unita di Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambogia, Isole Cook, Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea, Figi, India, Indonesia, Iran (Repubblica Islamica di), Kazakistan, Kiribati, Kirghizistan, Repubblica Democratica Popolare del Laos, Malesia, Maldive, Isole Marshall, Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Niue, Palau, Pakistan, Papua Nuova Guinea, Filippine, Samoa, Isole Salomone, Sri Lanka, Tagikistan, Thailandia, Timor- Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, V iet Nam, Algeria, Egitto, Iraq, Giordania, Libano, Libia, Mauritania, Marocco, Palestina, Sudan, Repubblica araba siriana, Tunisia, Yemen,Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brasile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Repubblica Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Giamaica, Messico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Perù, Santa Lucia, Saint Vincent e Grenadine, Suriname, Venezuela,Albania, Armenia, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, Georgia, Repubblica di Moldova, Ex Repubblica Jugoslava di Macedonia, Montenegro, Polonia, Serbia, Ucraina

Requisiti di ingresso: Applicants applying for general scholar programs must be under the age of forty-five (45) and have completed at least two years of undergraduate study; and those applying for senior scholar programmes must be a master’s degree holder or an associate professor (or above) and under the age of fifty (50).

Requisito del test: No

Requisiti di lingua inglese: These fellowships, are in most cases to be conducted in English. In exceptional cases, candidates may be required to study Chinese language before taking up research in their fields of interest. Applicants from outside their home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

Come applicare:

  • Step 1: Read carefully the Announcement letter, especially the attached ANNEX II, for UNESCO/China Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2024 to understand the requirements for eligible candidatures and the procedures for the submission of application.
  • Passaggio 2: visita il sito Web ufficiale del China Scholarship Council (CSC): http://www.campuschina.org/, per verificare maggiori dettagli sul programma delle borse di studio e sui campi di studio disponibili e sulle università di tuo interesse.
  • Step 3: Prepare your application documents (in English or Chinese) properly according to the requirements prescribed in Annex II.  Applicants are encouraged to contact their target Chinese universities in advance. For applicants who have received pre-admission letters from designated Chinese universities by the time of submission, please attach your pre-admission letters to the supporting documents.
  • Step 4: Register in the CSC Chinese Scholarship Information System for International Students at www.campuschina.org/noticeen.html (Programme Category Type A, Agency number 00001) and submit your online application by following the guidance in the Instructions of the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System for International Students.
  • Passaggio 5: stampa il modulo di domanda online e invialo alla Commissione nazionale per l'UNESCO del tuo paese, in allegato con le copie cartacee di tutti i documenti richiesti (in duplice copia).
  • NOTE: As the National Commission for UNESCO of the invited countries will select and transmit the documents of nominated candidates to the UNESCO Paris Headquarter by April 20, 2024, at the latest, applicants are advised to submit their applications, both online and to their national commissions, as early as possible.

Scadenza: The application deadline is April 20, 2024.

Scholarship Link


Fellowships for Developing Countries Students, The Government of the People’s Republic of China has placed at the disposal of UNESCO for the academic year 2024 seventy-five (75) fellowships for advanced studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.