The Capital Normal University CSC Scholarship provides an opportunity for international students to study in China. This scholarship is funded by the Chinese government and is awarded to eligible applicants based on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and financial need. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation expenses, medical insurance, and a living allowance. It also provides the recipients with other benefits such as travel expenses and a chance to participate in exchange programs. With this scholarship, students can pursue their studies at Capital Normal University and gain valuable knowledge that will help them succeed in their future endeavors.

Capital Normal University (CNU) offers different types of scholarships to international students, including the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship) and the Capital Normal University Scholarship.

The Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship) is a full scholarship funded by the Chinese government to support international students to study in China. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and comprehensive medical insurance. Applicants for the CSC Scholarship must apply through their home country’s Chinese embassy or consulate, and the selection process is highly competitive.

The Capital Normal University Scholarship is also available to international students who wish to study at CNU. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses. The selection process is based on the student’s academic performance, language proficiency, and other qualifications.

Capital Normal University World Ranking

The World Ranking of Capital Normal University is #1003 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Capital Normal University CSC Scholarship 2025

Authority: Chinese Government Scholarship 2025 Through China Scholarship Council (CSC)
University Name: Capital Normal University
Student Category: Undergraduate Degree Students, Masters Degree Students, and Ph.D. Degree Students
Scholarship Type: Fully Funded Scholarship (Everything is Free)
Monthly Allowance Capital Normal University Scholarship: 2500 for Bachelors degree Students, 3000 RMB for Masters Degree Students, and 3500 RMB For Ph.D. Degree Students

  • Tuition fees will be covered by CSC Scholarship
  • Living Allowance will be provided at your Bank Account
  • Accommodation (Twin beds room for undergraduates and Single for graduate students)
  • Comprehensive medical insurance (800RMB)

Apply Method Capital Normal University Scholarship: Just Online Apply (No Need To send hard copies)

Faculty List of Capital Normal University

When you are applying for a Scholarship you just need to get an Acceptance letter to maximize your scholarship approval, so for that, you need faculty links of your department. Go to the University’s website then click on the department and then click on the faculty link. You must contact only relevant professors which means they are most closer to your research interest. Once you found a relevant professor There are main 2 things you need

  1. How to Write an Email for Acceptance letter  Click here (7 Samples of Email to Professor for Admission Under CSC Scholarships). Once Professor Agree to get you under his supervision you need to follow the 2nd steps.
  2. You need an Acceptance letter to get signed by your supervisor, Click here to get the Acceptance Letter Sample

Eligibility Criteria For Scholarship at Capital Normal University

The Eligibility Criteria of Capital Normal University for CSC Scholarship 2025 is mentioned below. 

  1. All International Students can apply for Capital Normal University CSC Scholarship
  2. Age limits for Undergraduate Degree is 30 year, for Masters degree is 35 year, and For Ph.D. is 40 Years
  3. Applicant must be in good health
  4. No criminal record
  5. You can apply with English Proficiency Certificate

Documents Required for Capital Normal University 2025

During CSC Scholarship online application you need to upload documents, without uploading your application is incomplete. Below is the list you need to upload during the Chinese Government Scholarship Application for Capital Normal University.

  1. CSC Online Application Form (Capital Normal University Agency Number, Click here to get)
  2. Online Application Form of Capital Normal University
  3. Highest Degree Certificate (Notarized copy)
  4. Transcripts of Highest Education (Notarized copy)
  5. Undergraduate Diploma
  6. Undergraduate Transcript
  7. if you are in china Then the most recent visa or residence permit in China (Upload Passport Home page again in this option on University Portal)
  8. A Study Plan or Research Proposal
  9. Two Recommendation Letters
  10. Passport Copy
  11. Economic proof
  12. Physical Examination Form (Health Report)
  13. English Proficiency Certificate (IELTS is not Mandatory)
  14. No Criminal Certificate Record (Police Clearance Certificate Record)
  15. Acceptance Letter (Not Mandatory)

How to Apply For Capital Normal University  CSC Scholarship 2025

There are few steps you need to follow for CSC Scholarship Application.

  1. (Sometimes optional and sometimes must Need) Try to get Supervisor and Acceptance letter from him in your hand
  2. You Should Fill CSC Scholarship Online Application Form.
  3. Second, You Should Fill Capital Normal University Online application For CSC Scholarship 2025
  4. Upload all Required Documents for China Scholarship on CSC Website
  5. There is No application fee during the Online Application for Chinse Government Scholarship
  6. Print Both Application forms along with your documents send by email and through courier service at the University address.

Capital Normal University Scholarship Application Deadline

The Scholarship online portal opens from November it’s mean you can start applying from November and the Application Deadline is: 30 April Each Year

Approval & Notification

After receiving the application materials and payment document, the University Admission Committee for the program will assess all the application documents and provide China Scholarship Council with the nominations for approval. Applicants will be informed of the final admission decision made by CSC.

Capital Normal University CSC Scholarship Result 2025

The result of the Capital Normal University CSC Scholarship will be announced End of July, please visit the CSC Scholarship Result section here. You can find CSC Scholarship and Universities Online Application Status And Their Meanings here.

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