The Zhejiang University of Science and Technology CSC Results 2022 Announced. According to the requirement of China Scholarship Council and based on the decision of ZUST Scholarship Committee, the following applicants, the name list of whom is attached, are nominated as the candidates of 2022 Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program based on their comprehensive performance. If there is any disagreement on the candidates, please contact Ms.Wang, West Building of Library 411 within publicity period, or it will not be accepted.

Publicity period: May 10th to May 20th, 2022

Contact: Ms.Wang (West Building of Library 411)

Contact number: 85070095

Zhejiang University of Science and Technology CSC Results 2022

Announcement of 2022 Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program Candidates
编号 姓名 性别 护照 国籍 拟录取专业 正式或递补
1 ELIAS, MONICA X640746 印度尼西亚 艺术 正式
2 AHMAD, HASEEB DQ1175611 巴基斯坦 化学工程与技术 正式
3 HUYNH, THI NHAT LE C4269417 越南 汉语国际教育 正式
4 KUBATBEK KYZY, AIGUL AC2382360 吉尔吉斯 汉语国际教育 正式
6 NIKOLENKO, MARIIA FL290388 乌克兰 国际商务 正式
7 TUMURSUKH, BAYASGALAN E1682438 蒙古 先进制造与信息化 正式
8 AHMAD, MUHAMMAD JA1160282 巴基斯坦 智能制造与控制工程 递补
9 TRAN, THI HUONG C5939248 越南 汉语国际教育 递补
10 MURTALA, ADAM MUHAMMAD A50436852 尼日利亚 应用统计 递补
11 RAZINOV, ALEKSANDR 65No0368849 俄罗斯 机械工程 递补
12 BOUNNAK, ALOUNKORN P1341930 老挝 国际商务 递补
13 FARHAN, MUHAMMAD BG8940041 巴基斯坦 化学工程与技术 递补
14 JOSEPH, GILBERT MWAGENI TAE078535 坦桑尼亚 应用统计 递补

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