FUB-CSC PhD scholarships are open; apply now. The new Free University of Berlin-China Scholarship Council FUB-CSC PhD Program is now available to study in Germany for the year 2024. These scholarship positions are available for Chinese students.

北京联络处成立于2007年,作为柏林自由大学的代表处,联络处的工作重点是提高大学在中国和香港的知名度,以及支持当地科学家和开展新的合作中华人民共和国项目。 还特别注重招募和选拔获得中国国家留学基金委奖学金来柏林的合格青年科学家。

It’s not a problem to do your PhD studies in English, particularly in the sciences. This year’s 2024 PhD offers all require English as a prerequisite. In certain areas, German isn’t required or helpful, like in philosophy or German studies. It depends mostly on the thesis’ subject and on the approval of the candidate’s supervisor. Please check the list of offered PhD positions and see the required language skills.

FUB-CSC 博士奖学金说明

  • 申请截止日期:January 4, 2024
  • 课程级别: CSC 提供两种类型的奖学金:
    完整的博士研究: Scholarships for full PhD studies leading to a doctoral degree, awarded by Freie Universität Berlin. Duration of the CSC scholarship: 3–4 years.
    三明治博士研究: scholarships for candidates who are already doctoral students in China. Following the so-called ‘Sandwich Model’, Chinese PhD candidates can do PhD research both at their home university in China and at Freie Universität Berlin. The PhD title will ultimately be conferred by the Chinese university. Duration of the CSC scholarship: 1-2 years.
  • 研究主题: 每年 9 月,柏林自由大学都会为希望获得 CSC 奖学金在柏林开展研究的 CSC 候选人提供大量不同研究领域的开放式博士职位。
  • 奖学金奖: There are only 320 EUR to be paid per semester by each student as an enrollment and semester contribution fee, but this also includes a Berlin public transportation ticket.
  • 国籍: 这些奖学金职位适用于中国学生。
  • 数量奖学金 30–40 open PhD positions, each offering a well-defined research project, are listed on the website under the FUB-CSC Program.
  • scholarship 可以纳入 德国


  • 符合条件的国家:这些奖学金职位适用于中国学生。
  • 入学要求: 申请人必须符合以下条件:



·         Duration of the scholarship: 3–4 years.

·         Scholarship holders under Scheme 1 enroll at Freie Universität Berlin as doctoral students. Their research will be supervised by a professor at Freie Universität. (Some of the supervisors are researchers at a non-university research institute and also professors of FUB.)

·         If the students successfully complete all requirements and defend their dissertation, they will be awarded a PhD / doctoral degree from Freie Universität Berlin.



· 奖学金期限:1-2年。

·         According to the Sandwich Model, a Chinese PhD candidate will do PhD research both at the home university in China and at Freie Universität Berlin.

· 博士生导师由一名中德教授负责。

· 博士课程的第一年将在中国大学攻读。 博士生随后在柏林自由大学完成一到两年的研究并返回中国完成项目。

· 博士头衔最终由中国大学授予。

英语语言要求:It’s not a problem to do your PhD studies in English, particularly in the sciences. This year’s 2024 PhD offers all require English as a prerequisite.

In certain areas, German is required and helpful, like in philosophy or German studies. It depends mostly on the thesis’ subject and on the approval of the candidate’s supervisor. Please check the list of offered PhD positions and see the required language skills.

  • 英语很好skills if English is the language of instruction for PhD studies. No prior knowledge of German is required in the following disciplines: 生物学、生物医学、化学、药学、地球科学、数学、计算机科学、物理学、地球科学和兽医学
    英文证书雅思证书总体评分为5分或者托福证书总分95 分
  • 德语很好skills if German is the language of instruction for PhD studies. Usually in the humanities and social sciences, depending on the professor’s requirements.
    德国证书:TestDaF证书四个部分不低于4,总分不低于16分或者DSH-2 证书。

测试要求: 柏林自由大学不承认 CET。 该测试在中国以外不为人所知。 CSC 还需要雅思或托福考试。


How to apply: 两个申请是必要的(自由大学和 CSC):

Application 1: Application to FUB to receive the necessary Invitation Letter for the CSC, issued by the university in the framework of the FUB-CSC Program (not issued by the professor!): FUB is advising about the program and the open positions offered by the professors, as well as processing the applications. Each application is to be submitted to FUB (not to the professor!) by January 4, 2024.

Application 2: Application to the CSC for a PhD scholarship: In the framework of the FUB-CSC Program, applicants will receive an invitation letter from Freie Universität Berlin/International Office (not from the professor!) following contact, an interview, and acceptance by the professor (between the end of January and mid-February). All accepted PhD candidates will receive the invitation letter by the end of February 2024.
