As a graduate student, securing scholarships is one of the most important parts of your academic journey. Scholarships provide financial support for tuition fees, books, and living expenses, and can help ease the financial burden of graduate studies. One of the best ways to secure a scholarship is by reaching out to professors who specialize in your area of study. However, emailing a professor for scholarships can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know what to say. In this article, we will guide you through the process of emailing a professor for PhD and MS scholarships.

To apply for a graduate scholarship, research the professor’s expertise and send a professional, courteous email. Use Google Scholar, biography, or LinkedIn profile to identify recent papers. Express interest in the professor’s research and history, and thank them for considering your application. Check spelling and grammar, address the lecturer, and contact them if they don’t respond.


The first step in emailing a professor for a scholarship is to research the professor who specializes in your area of study. You want to find a professor who has a strong research record in your area of interest, and who may be interested in taking on a new graduate student. Once you have identified a potential professor, it’s time to draft your email.

Researching professors

When researching professors, start by looking at the university’s website or department page. Look for professors who have published papers or books in your area of interest. You can also use Google Scholar to find recent publications by the professor. Additionally, you can look for the professor’s biography on the university website or LinkedIn profile to get an idea of their research interests and expertise.

Drafting the email

Once you have identified a potential professor, it’s time to draft your email. Your email should be professional and polite, while also expressing your enthusiasm for the professor’s research. The email should be concise and to the point, while also conveying your background and interest in the professor’s work.

Writing the subject line

The subject line of your email should be clear and to the point. Use a subject line that will catch the professor’s attention and make them want to read your email. For example, “Inquiry about potential PhD scholarship under your guidance” or “Application for MS program under your supervision.”

The opening line

The opening line of your email should be brief and engaging. Start by introducing yourself and explaining your interest in the professor’s research. For example, “My name is John Smith and I am a recent graduate from XYZ University. I came across your research on XYZ topic and I was impressed by your findings.”

The body of the email

The body of your email should be well-structured and concise. Start by explaining your background and experience, including any relevant coursework or research experience. Next, explain your interest in the professor’s research and how it aligns with your own research interests. Finally, ask the professor if they have any scholarships or opportunities for graduate students in your area of interest.

The closing line

The closing line of your email should be polite and professional. Thank the professor for their time and consideration, and express your interest in hearing back from them. For example, “Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.”


Before sending your email, make sure to proofread it for any spelling or grammatical errors. You want to make sure your email is professional and well-written.

Sending the email

Once you have proofread your email, it’s time to send it to the professor. Make sure to address the professor by their proper title and name, and include your contact information in the email signature.

Following up

If you don’t hear back from the professor after a week or two, it’s okay to send a follow-up email. In your follow-up email, politely inquire if the professor had a chance to review your email and ask if there are any further steps you can take to be considered for the scholarship.

通过电子邮件将样本发送给教授以获取录取通知书 1

尊敬的博士教授(只写第一个字母和姓氏),我向您求助于中国政府奖学金在微生物学领域的硕士职位,我是微生物学专业的本科毕业生(4 年)全国最好的大学,巴基斯坦科哈特科技大学,在我的论文工作的同时,我以第一作者的身份发表了同一领域的研究论文————。 我的期刊论文——————作为第一作者正在————中进行终审。 现在我正在合作写一篇研究论文

我向你求助于中国政府奖学金在微生物学领域的硕士职位 我毕业于该国最好的大学之一,巴基斯坦科哈特科技大学,主修微生物学学士学位(4 年),同时在我的论文工作中,我以第一作者的身份在————————————的同一领域发表了一篇研究论文。 我的期刊论文——————作为第一作者正在————中进行终审。 现在我正在根据我的硕士论文与我的导师合作写一篇研究论文,并希望尽快提交。 我有 '

我在硕士研究论文中有'A'(在这里你可以提到你的成绩)。 我也已经通过了当地的GAT(巴基斯坦国家研究生评估考试)General and Subject类似于GRE国际,总分————,——百分位。 我读过了

我已经阅读了几篇关于你的研究工作的出版物——-m————-。 您的研究领域“————————-”与我的研究兴趣非常吻合,并且与我的研究工作是平行的。 我想在你的指导下在中国科学院大学攻读博士学位。 如果我能加入您的团队,如果您也能将我视为潜在候选人并接受我参加 CAS-TWAS 奖学金,我会很高兴。 我在这封电子邮件中附上了我的简历、研究计划和硕士论文摘要。我想从事我的研究和学术生涯


我会等待你的友好回应。 谢谢。
