The university offers the CSC Scholarship Program at Anhui Agricultural University. It is meant to help students from China who are interested in agriculture and rural development. The scholarship includes both tuition and a living allowance for each year of study. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent, undergraduate study in agriculture, or have a master’s degree.

Anhui Agricultural University is located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China, and has been an institution of higher learning since 1958. The university enrolls over 11000 students each year and has the highest academic degrees awarded annually in China, with more than 2500 degrees granted every year.

There are 16 colleges within the university structure that offer 96 bachelor’s degree programs, 97 master’s degree programs, and 54 doctoral degree programs. The location also offers 36 postdoctoral research stations across 12 disciplines to provide additional opportunities for learning experiences outside the classroom.

The college is directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, with a history spanning more than 100 years. In 2002, it was named “Model College” by MOE among all colleges at the provincial level. It has an outstanding faculty team that has received national or provincial awards for its achievements.

There are over 60 full-time faculty members, and among them, over 100 have a Ph.D. degree. The college has two postdoctoral mobile stations. It is equipped with experimental and research bases for teaching, scientific investigation, and technological service.

Anhui Agricultural University’s World Ranking

The world ranking of Anhui Agriculture University is #684 in the Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Anhui Agricultural University CSC Scholarship 2024

Yetki: Çin Burs Konseyi (CSC) Aracılığıyla Çin Hükümeti Bursu 2024
Üniversite adı: Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi
Öğrenci Kategorisi: Lisans Öğrencileri, Yüksek Lisans Öğrencileri ve Doktora Öğrencileri Derece Öğrencileri
Burs Türü: Tamamen Finanse Edilen Burs (Her Şey Ücretsiz)
Aylık Ödenek Anhui Tarım Üniversitesi Bursu: Lisans Derecesi Öğrencileri için 2500, Yüksek Lisans Derecesi Öğrencileri için 3000 RMB ve Doktora Derecesi için 3500 RMB Derece Öğrencileri

  • Öğrenim ücretleri CSC Bursu tarafından karşılanacaktır.
  • Yaşam Ödeneği Banka Hesabınızda sağlanacaktır
  • Accommodation (two beds for undergraduates and one for graduate students)
  • Kapsamlı sağlık sigortası (800RMB)

Yöntemi Uygula Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi Bursu: Sadece Çevrimiçi Başvuru (Basılı kopya göndermeye gerek yok)

Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi Fakülte Listesi

When you are applying for a scholarship, you just need to get an acceptance letter to maximize your scholarship approval, so for that, you need faculty links from your department. Go to the university’s website, then click on the department, and then click on the faculty link. You must contact only relevant professors, which means they are most closely related to your research interests. Once you find a relevant professor, There are two main things you need

  1. Kabul Mektubu için E-posta Nasıl Yazılır Buraya Tıklayın (CSC Bursları Kapsamında Kabul İçin Profesöre 7 E-posta Örneği). Once Professor agrees to get you under his supervision, you need to follow the second step.
  2. Amiriniz tarafından imzalanmak için bir Kabul mektubuna ihtiyacınız var. Kabul Mektubu Örneği

Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi'nde Burs İçin Uygunluk Kriterleri

The eligibility criteria of Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi for the CSC Scholarship 2024 are mentioned below. 

  1. Tüm Uluslararası Öğrenciler Anhui Tarım Üniversitesi CSC Bursuna başvurabilir
  2. Age limits for Undergraduate Degree is 30 year, for Masters degree, 35 year, and For ph.d. degrees, 40 Years
  3. applicant must be in good health
  4. sabıka kaydı yok
  5. You can apply for English Proficiency Certificate

Documents Required for Anhui Agricultural University 2024

During the CSC Scholarship online application, you need to upload documents; without uploading, your application is incomplete. Below is the list you need to upload during the Chinese Government Scholarship Application for Anhui Agriculture University.

  1. CSC Çevrimiçi Başvuru Formu(Anhui Agriculture University Agency Number; almak için buraya tıklayın)
  2. Online Başvuru Formu Anhui Tarım Üniversitesi
  3. En Yüksek Derece Belgesi (Noter tasdikli kopyası)
  4. Yüksek Öğrenim Transkriptleri (Noter tasdikli kopyası)
  5. Lisans diploması
  6. Lisans Transkript
  7. Çin'de iseniz O zaman Çin'deki en son vize veya oturma izni (Üniversite Portalında bu seçenekte Pasaport Ana sayfasını tekrar yükleyin)
  8. Bir Çalışma planı veya Araştırma önerisi
  9. 2 Tavsiye Mektupları
  10. Pasaport kopyası
  11. Ekonomik kanıt
  12. Fizik Muayene Formu (Sağlık raporu)
  13. İngilizce Yeterlik Belgesi (IELTS Zorunlu değildir)
  14. Adli Sicil Kaydı Yok (Polis Tasfiye Belgesi Kaydı)
  15. Kabul mektubu (Zorunlu değil)

Nasıl Başvurulur Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi CSC Bursu 2024

There are a few steps you need to follow for the CSC scholarship application.

  1. (Sometimes optional and sometimes must be needed.) Try to get Supervisor and Acceptance letter from him in your hand
  2. You should fill out the CSC Bursu Çevrimiçi Başvuru Formu.
  3. Second, You Should fill out the Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi CSC Bursu İçin Çevrimiçi Başvuru 2024
  4. Çin Bursu için Gerekli Tüm Belgeleri CSC Web Sitesine Yükleyin
  5. There is No application fee during the Online Application for Chinse Government Scholarship but once you are approved by the initial stage, you need to payAccount Name: ANHUI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, Account Number: 184216152717 Bank: Hefei Meishan Road Branch, Bank of China SWIFT Code: BKCHCNBJ780 Address: 77 Meishan Road, Hefei, Anhui, China
  6. Print both application forms along with your documents and send them by email or courier service to the university address.

Lütfen başvuru materyallerini ve ödeme belgelerini aşağıdaki adrese gönderin:

Room 245, Qinzheng Building, School of International Education, Anhui Agricultural University, 130 Changjiangxi Rd., Hefei Anhui, 230036 R. China

İrtibat Kişisi: Bayan Zhao Telefon: 0086-551-65787060 Faks: 0086-551-65787060 E-posta: [email protected]

Onay ve Bildirim

After receiving the application materials and payment document, the University Admission Committee for the program will assess all the application documents and provide the China Scholarship Council with the nominations for approval. The CSC will notify applicants of its final admission decision.

Anhui Ziraat Üniversitesi Burs Başvurusu Son Tarih

The Burs çevrimiçi portalı opens from November, which means you can start applying from November. The application deadline is April 30 each year.

Anhui Agricultural University CSC Scholarship Results 2024

The result of the Anhui Agricultural University CSC Scholarship will be announced at the end of July. Please visit the CSC Burs Sonucu bölüm burada. Bulabilirsin CSC Bursu ve Üniversiteler Online Başvuru Durumu ve Anlamları burada.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment below.