The Siemens China Scholarship is available at Universitatea Tsinghua pentru studenți absolvenți internaționali. The scholarship supports outstanding international students to pursue Ph.D. degrees in different fields at Tsinghua University.

Through study and practice at the forefront of industrial technology development, scholarship recipients will lay the foundation for the growth of innovative talents in the industry.

Tsinghua University is a major research university in Beijing and a member of the elite C9 League of Chinese universities. It is dedicated to academic excellence, advancing the well-being of Chinese society, and global development.

Burse ale Universității Tsinghua de la Siemens China Descriere:

  • Termenul limită pentru aplicații: For all applications is March 1st, 2024
  • Course Level: Bursa este deschisă studenților absolvenți.
  • Subiectul de studiu The scholarships will be awarded for Ph.D. degrees in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Academy of Arts & Design, School of Software, Department of Automation, Department of Electrical Engineering, and other related departments or schools at Tsinghua University.
  • Scholarship Award: Tuition fees: 40,000 RMB/year; living allowance (including accommodation, medical insurance, books or other materials, transportation, etc.): 160,000 RMB/year in total.
  • Nationality: Pe plan internațional
  • Numărul de burse: Sunt disponibile mai multe burse
  • Scholarship can be taken in Beijing

Eligibilitatea pentru bursele Universității Tsinghua de la Siemens China:

  • Eligible Countries: Studenții internaționali sunt invitați să aplice.
  • Entrance Requirements: Applicants for the scholarship should meet all the following requirements:
  • Meet the requirements of admission for international graduate students (detailed information refers to the Admission to Graduate Programs of Tsinghua University 2024.
  • Elevii ar trebui să aplice departamentul/școala
  • Students must appreciate Siemens values and be willing to work together with Siemens to carry out research work.
  • Solicitanților nu li se oferă alte tipuri de burse pentru studii la Universitatea Tsinghua.

Procedura de aplicare pentru bursele Universității Tsinghua de la Siemens China:

The applicant should read this introduction carefully and make sure that they meet the requirements of the scholarship.

  • Încărcați documentele de aplicare enumerate mai jos prin „Încărcați documente de aplicare-Altele”
  • Formular de cerere pentru bursa Siemens China
  • Foreigner Physical Examination Form: The original copy will be kept by you, and the form is uniformly printed by Chinese healthy quarantine departments. It must be written in English.
  • The application form for the Siemens China Scholarship and the Foreigner Physical Examination Form can be downloaded from the attachment to this introduction.

How to Apply: Apply for 2024 full-time international graduate programs and submit the online application at

Scholarship Link