The Bursa Guvernului Municipal Chongqing is open; apply now. In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people from the rest of the world, the Guvernul municipal Chongqing oferă o varietate de programe de burse pentru a sponsoriza studenții internaționali și savanți pentru a întreprinde studii și cercetări în instituțiile de învățământ superior Chongqing.

Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship: Basic Information

  • Termen limită de aplicare: 30 aprilie în fiecare an
  • Elevi potriviți: boboci sau studenți la școală
  • Timpul pentru eliberarea rezultatelor: de la sfârșitul lunii mai până la mijlocul lunii iunie
  • Number of scholarship available: 20–30
  • Cantitate:
Bursă (RMB/an)
Clasa întâi
Clasa a doua
Curs de limba chineza

Bursa Guvernului Municipal Chongqing CRITERII ȘI ELIGIBILITATE

1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health.
2. Education, background, and age limit:
Applicants for the undergraduate program must have a senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
Applicants for the master’s degree program must have a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
Applicants for the doctoral degree program must have a master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
Applicants for the Chinese language training program must have a senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35. The Chinese language is the only subject available.
Applicants for the general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45. All subjects, including the Chinese language, are available.
Applicants for the senior scholar program must have a master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.

Documente de cerere de bursă a Guvernului Municipal Chongqing

1. Formular de cerere
2. photocopy of passport
3. highest diploma (University students or applicants employed shall also provide proof of studying or employment on the application.). Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
4. Academic transcripts (transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English).
5. Recommendation letters (only for postgraduate studies or study in China as senior scholars)
6. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicant are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination due to the 6-months validity of the medical results.
7. A study or research plan It must be in Chinese or in English. Undergraduate applicants are required to submit a study or research plan of no less than 200 words, and no less than 800 words for graduate applicants.
8. Articole sau lucrări scrise sau publicate.

Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship Contact Information:

Adăugați: Oficiul pentru Cooperare și Schimburi Internaționale,
Chongqing University de Poştă şi Telecomunicaţii
No. 2 Chongwen Road, Nan’an Chongqing, P.R. China, 400065
TEL: +86-23-62487785, +86-23-62460007, FAX: +86-23-62487912
Persoana de contact: doamna Fan Aiping
E-mail: gjc@