Szukasz świetnej okazji do studiowania w Chinach ze stypendium? W takim razie powinieneś rozważyć stypendium CSC Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST). Jest to w pełni finansowane stypendium, które pokrywa czesne, zakwaterowanie i koszty utrzymania dla studentów zagranicznych, którzy chcą kontynuować studia licencjackie, magisterskie lub doktoranckie w CSUST. W tym artykule omówimy wszystkie niezbędne szczegóły, które musisz wiedzieć o stypendium CSC Uniwersytetu Nauki i Technologii Changsha.

Przegląd Changsha University of Science and Technology

Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST) to narodowy uniwersytet z siedzibą w prowincji Hunan w Chinach. Został założony w 1956 roku jako Hunan Institute of Mining and Metalurgy i stał się jednym z wiodących uniwersytetów w Chinach. Uniwersytet jest dobrze znany ze swojej wiedzy specjalistycznej w dziedzinach inżynierii, nauki i zarządzania. Ma ponad 30 000 studentów, w tym studentów zagranicznych z ponad 50 krajów.

Co to jest stypendium CSC?

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) is a non-profit organization that provides financial support to international students who wish to study in China. The CSC Scholarship is a fully-funded scholarship that covers tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses for international students. The scholarship is offered by the Chinese government to promote academic and cultural exchange between China and other countries.

Types of CSC Scholarships

There are two types of CSC Scholarships:

  1. CSC Scholarship Type A: This scholarship is offered to outstanding international students who wish to pursue their postgraduate (Master’s or Ph.D.) studies in China. The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses.
  2. CSC Scholarship Type B: This scholarship is offered to outstanding international students who wish to pursue their undergraduate studies in China. The scholarship covers tuition fees only.

Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Musisz być obywatelem spoza Chin.
  2. Musisz być w dobrym zdrowiu.
  3. You must hold a valid passport.
  4. You must meet the educational and age requirements for the program you wish to apply for.
  5. You must have a good academic record.
  6. You must meet the language requirements for the program you wish to apply for.

How to Apply for the CSC Scholarship at Changsha University of Science and Technology

To apply for the CSC Scholarship at Changsha University of Science and Technology, you must follow these steps:

  1. Choose the program you wish to apply for on the CSUST website.
  2. Complete the online application form on the CSC website.
  3. Submit all the required documents, including academic transcripts, language proficiency certificates, and letters of recommendation.
  4. Submit your application to the Chinese Embassy in your home country or to the Chinese Consulate-General.
  5. Wait for the final decision.

Required Documents for Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship

The following documents are required to apply for the CSC Scholarship at Changsha University of Science and Technology:

  1. Formularz zgłoszeniowy online CSC(Changsha University of Science and Technology Agency Number, Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać)
  2. Online Application Form of Changsha University of Science and Technology
  3. Certyfikat najwyższego stopnia (kopia potwierdzona notarialnie)
  4. Transkrypcje szkolnictwa wyższego (kopia potwierdzona notarialnie)
  5. Dyplom licencjata
  6. Transkrypcja licencjacka
  7. jeśli jesteś w Chinach Następnie najnowszą wizę lub zezwolenie na pobyt w Chinach (Prześlij ponownie stronę główną paszportu w tej opcji na Portalu Uniwersyteckim)
  8. ZAPlan studiówlubProjekt badawczy
  9. DwaListy rekomendacyjne
  10. Kopia paszportu
  11. Dowód ekonomiczny
  12. Formularz badania fizykalnego(Raport dotyczący zdrowia)
  13. Certyfikat znajomości języka angielskiego(IELTS nie jest obowiązkowy)
  14. Brak zaświadczenia o popełnieniu przestępstwa(Zapis świadectwa odprawy policyjnej)
  15. List akceptujacy(Nieobowiązkowe)

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship varies depending on the program you wish to apply for. You should check the CSUST website or contact the university for the specific deadline.

Korzyści ze stypendium CSC

The Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship provides the following benefits:

  1. Tuition Fee
  1. Accommodation expenses: The scholarship covers on-campus accommodation expenses for the entire duration of your studies.
  2. Living expenses: The scholarship provides a monthly stipend to cover your living expenses, including food, transportation, and other necessary expenses.
  3. Medical insurance: The scholarship covers medical insurance for international students.
  4. Cultural activities: The scholarship provides opportunities for international students to participate in various cultural activities, such as Chinese language courses, cultural visits, and cultural exchange programs.

Advantages of Studying at Changsha University of Science and Technology

Studying at Changsha University of Science and Technology has several advantages:

  1. High-quality education: CSUST is one of the top universities in China, with a strong reputation for providing high-quality education.
  2. Diverse programs: CSUST offers a wide range of programs in engineering, science, and management fields, giving you plenty of options to choose from.
  3. Affordable cost of living: The cost of living in Changsha is relatively low compared to other cities in China, making it an affordable destination for international students.
  4. Cultural immersion: Studying at CSUST provides you with an opportunity to immerse yourself in Chinese culture, language, and customs.
  5. Career opportunities: CSUST has a strong reputation among employers, both in China and internationally, which can enhance your career opportunities after graduation.


The Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship provides a great opportunity for international students to pursue their studies in China. With its high-quality education, affordable cost of living, and diverse program offerings, CSUST is an excellent choice for students who wish to enhance their academic and career prospects. So, if you are looking for a scholarship to study in China, the Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship could be the right choice for you!


  1. What is the Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship?

The Changsha University of Science and Technology CSC Scholarship is a fully-funded scholarship that covers tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses for international students who wish to pursue their bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees at CSUST.

  1. Who is eligible for the CSC Scholarship at Changsha University of Science and Technology?

To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be a non-Chinese citizen, in good health, hold a valid passport, meet the educational and age requirements for the program you wish to apply for, have a good academic record, and meet the language requirements for the program.

  1. What is the deadline for the CSC Scholarship application at Changsha University of Science and Technology?

The application deadline varies depending on the program you wish to apply for. You should check the CSUST website or contact the university for the specific deadline.

  1. What are the benefits of the CSC Scholarship at Changsha University of Science and Technology?

The scholarship provides tuition fees, accommodation expenses, living expenses, medical insurance, and cultural activities for international students.

  1. What are the advantages of studying at Changsha University of Science and Technology?

The university provides high-quality education, diverse program offerings, affordable cost of living, cultural immersion, and career opportunities for international students.