CAS-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowships are open; apply now. The CONICYT of Chile and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) are offering a CAS-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship research programme for the duration of two to three years, with 2 years in Chile and an extension of 1 year in China. Candidates from all over the world are welcome to apply.

The main objective of this call for tenders is to foster cooperation between Chile and China in astronomy through the inclusion of young researchers via research proposals in Chilean institutions.

The China-Chile Joint Center for Astronomy (CCJCA) is a new initiative by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and CONICYT of Chile to promote mutual collaborations between the two countries and is aimed at providing support for young astronomers in their early stages of their research careers.

CAS-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship Description:

  • Applications Deadline: October 31, 2024
  • Course Level: Fellowships are available to pursue a postdoctoral program for young researchers.
  • Study Subject: Fellowships are awarded in observational, theoretical, instrumentation, and/or computational astrophysics. These can be in any area of astronomical research, including observation, instrumental development, and theory, but must involve China-Chile collaboration. If those topics listed here are not interesting or relevant to any applicants, they may establish any China-Chile collaborative research topics on their own with their two potential supervisors.
  • Scholarship Award:
  1. Annual allowance: CLP $21,500,000
  2. Annual travel and/or operating expenses: CLP $4,500,000

iii. Annual Health Benefits: CLP $468,000

  1. Relocation costs (if applicable)
  • Nationality: Candidates from all over the world are welcome to apply.
  • Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
  • Scholarship can be taken in Chile and China

Eligibility for the CAS-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Eligible Countries: Candidates from all over the world are welcome to apply.

Entrance Requirements: For the purpose of this call, the following will apply:

Lead researcherResearchers who obtained a doctorate degree or a document accrediting that they passed the doctorate degree comprehensive exam or its equivalent.
Chilean host organizationThis refers to universities, research centers, and scientific societies with legal entities, either public or private, that are committed to carrying out research or teaching activities in astronomy, astrophysics, and/or related sciences and that take part in the research proposal for the postdoctoral position.
Sponsoring researcherThis refers to a researcher or scholar with doctoral training who works for the Chilean host organization and directly oversees the academic implementation of the lead researcher’s project.

English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the university.

CAS-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Procedure:

How to Apply: Applications must include a CV, a research statement, a support letter from the host institution in Chile signed by the department director and faculty sponsor, a copy or certificate of degree, and two recommendation letters. The applications will be received on the CASSACA website, and all the documents except recommendation letters should be sent in PDF format to and before the deadline of Oct. 31st. Further inquiries about this fellowship opportunity can be addressed to Dr. Jiasheng Huang, Chief Scientist of CASSACA; Dr. Wei Wang, Deputy Director of CASSACA (; and Dr. Javier Martinez from CONICYT.

Scholarship Link