Polisiekaraktersertifikaat (ook genoem polisieklaring) is 'n amptelike dokument wat verklaar dat die aansoeker geen kriminele rekord het nie. Hierdie sertifikaat is in baie lande nodig om ordentlike gedrag en goeie morele beginsels te bewys wanneer aansoek gedoen word vir burgerskap, oorsee reis, werksoekende visums of emigrasie.

Polisiekaraktersertifikaat word vereis as jy vir 'n VISA vir enige land aansoek doen. Hoe kry jy jou polisiekaraktersertifikaat? U kan die volledige prosedure hier sien. As jy karaktersertifikaattipes soek, moet jy verstaan dat daar 'n verskil is tussen polisiekaraktersertifikate en ander karaktersertifikate.

Wie het polisiekaraktersertifikaat nodig?

In many countries, a Police Character Certificate is required for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Employment: Some employers require a Police Character Certificate as part of the hiring process, especially for positions that involve working with vulnerable populations or handling sensitive information.
  • Immigration: Many countries require a Police Character Certificate as part of the visa application process, especially for long-term or permanent visas.
  • Licensing: Some professions, such as law, healthcare, and education, require a Police Character Certificate as part of the licensing process.
  • Volunteer work: Some organizations require a Police Character Certificate for volunteers, especially for those who work with children or other vulnerable populations.

Watter inligting is ingesluit in die polisiekaraktersertifikaat?

Die struktuur van 'n polisiekaraktersertifikaat is soos volg: naam van die organisasie wat Sertifikaat gee; datum van aansoek; name en adresse van kruisverwysingspersone (hierdie persone het geen kriminele rekords nie); huwelikstatus; naasbestaande; beskrywing met die prentjie aangeheg wat datum en plek van geboorte, lengte, gewig, die kleur van oë/hare/vel, ens. toon; adres waar die aansoeker die afgelope vyf jaar gewoon het; enige skuldigbevindings van die aansoeker tesame met datum, plek en misdrywe wat gepleeg is.

Prosedure om polisiekaraktersertifikaat te bekom

  1. Raadpleeg jou plaaslike DPO Sekuriteitskantoortak vir "Polisiekaraktersertifikaat."
    Besoek hierdie tak in jou stad en vra hulle om polisiekaraktersertifikaat te toon sodat hulle vir jou 'n aansoekvorm sal voorsien.
  2. Vul daardie aansoekvorm in, heg die vereiste dokumente aan met daardie vorm in vorm gelys en gaan terug na die Sekuriteitskantoor-tak. Hulle sal nou hierdie vorm na jou plaaslike polisiestasie merk vir hersiening.
  3. Nou moet jy hierdie vorm na jou plaaslike polisiestasie neem, waar SHO en area ADV jou goedkeuring sal gee nadat jy jou dokumente nagegaan het
  4. Uiteindelik moet u u vorm terug indien by Sekuriteitstakkantoor
  5. Ontvang jou sertifikaat binne volgende drie werksdae.

Hou jou oorspronklike NIC, Paspoort en Eiendomstoewysingsbrief of huurooreenkoms met paspoortgrootte foto's wat die sekuriteitstak besoek.

Het ek polisiekaraktersertifikaat nodig?

As jy ooit in enige land woon, kyk of hul regering polisiekaraktersertifikaat vereis of nie om goeie morele beginsels te bewys nie. As jy geen probleme wil hê wanneer jy oorsee reis of aansoek doen vir 'n werksoekende visum nie, is dit altyd beter om hierdie Sertifikaat te kry.

Wat gebeur as geen rekord gevind word nie?

Mens kan hierdie situasie teëkom wanneer jy hul morele beginsels vir oorsee reis of emigrasie bewys. Dit kan gebeur wanneer die aansoeker vir baie jare nie op een plek gewoon het nie of in 'n land gebore is waar geen rekords beskikbaar is nie, of hy/sy in die verlede in die buiteland gewoon het. Een uitweg uit hierdie situasie is om twee persone te hê wat ook vry is van kriminele rekords en die aansoeker ken om hulle na 'n skoon burger te verwys.

Hoe lank bly die polisiekaraktersertifikaat geldig?

Polisiekaraktersertifikaat bly slegs geldig nadat dit een keer gebruik is. Jy benodig nog 'n polisiekaraktersertifikaat as jy na 'n ruk weer jou morele beginsels wil bewys.

Why is a Police Character Certificate important?

A Police Character Certificate is important because it helps to verify an individual’s background and criminal history. It can be used to ensure that individuals who are working with vulnerable populations, handling sensitive information, or engaging in other high-risk activities do not pose a threat to others. It can also be used to ensure that individuals who are immigrating to a new country do not have a criminal history that could potentially harm the safety and security of that country.

What information does a Police Character Certificate contain?

A Police Character Certificate typically contains information about any criminal convictions or pending cases against the individual, as well as any other relevant information related to their criminal history. The certificate may also contain information about any previous applications for a Police Character Certificate.

How long is a Police Character Certificate valid?

The validity of a Police Character Certificate varies depending on the country where it is issued and the purpose for which it is used. In general, most Police Character Certificates are valid for a period of 6 months to 1 year. However, some countries may require a new certificate to be obtained for each new application.

How much does a Police Character Certificate cost?

The cost of a Police Character Certificate varies depending on the country where it is issued and the processing time. In some countries, the certificate may be free of charge, while in others, there may be a fee that ranges from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. It is important to check the specific requirements and fees in the country where you are applying.

How long does it take to obtain a Police Character Certificate?

The processing time for a Police Character Certificate varies depending on the country where it is issued and the processing method. In some cases, it can take a few days to obtain the certificate, while in others, it can take several weeks or even months. It is important to check the specific processing times in the country where you are applying and to plan accordingly.

Are there any alternatives to a Police Character Certificate?

In some cases, there may be alternative documents that can be used in place of a Police Character Certificate. For example, in some countries, a criminal record check or a background check may be accepted instead of a Police Character Certificate. It is important to check the specific requirements in the country where you are applying and to ensure that any alternative documents meet the necessary criteria.

What if there are issues with your Police Character Certificate?

If there are issues with your Police Character Certificate, such as incorrect or incomplete information, it is important to contact the relevant police authority to rectify the issue. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide additional documentation or information to clarify any discrepancies. It is important to address any issues as soon as possible to avoid any delays in the application process.

Can you appeal a decision made based on a Police Character Certificate?

If a decision is made based on a Police Character Certificate that you disagree with, such as a visa denial or a job offer withdrawal, it may be possible to appeal the decision. The specific process for appealing a decision varies depending on the country and the type of decision being appealed. It is important to seek legal advice and to follow the proper procedures when appealing a decision.

Can a Police Character Certificate be used in other countries?

In many cases, a Police Character Certificate issued in one country can be used in other countries. However, it is important to check the specific requirements in the country where you are applying to ensure that the certificate meets the necessary criteria. In some cases, it may be necessary to obtain a new certificate or to have the certificate translated into the language of the country where it is being used.

What are some tips for obtaining a Police Character Certificate?

Some tips for obtaining a Police Character Certificate include:

  • Research the specific requirements and fees in the country where you are applying.
  • Plan ahead and allow enough time for processing and any potential delays.
  • Ensure that all information provided in the application is accurate and complete.
  • Address any issues with the certificate as soon as possible to avoid delays in the application process.
  • Seek legal advice if necessary.


A Police Character Certificate is an important document that confirms an individual’s criminal history. It is required for a variety of purposes, including employment, immigration, licensing, and volunteer work. The process for obtaining a Police Character Certificate varies depending on the country where you are applying, and it is important to ensure that all requirements are met and any issues are addressed as soon as possible.

Gereelde Vrae

What is a Police Character Certificate?

A Police Character Certificate is an official document that verifies an individual's criminal history. It is issued by a police authority in the country where the individual resides or has resided in the past.

Who needs a Police Character Certificate?

People who are applying for certain jobs, visas, licenses, or volunteer work may be required to obtain a Police Character Certificate. The specific requirements vary depending on the country and the purpose of the application.

How long is a Police Character Certificate valid?

The validity period of a Police Character Certificate varies depending on the country where it is issued and the purpose of the application. In some cases, it may be valid for a few months, while in others, it may be valid for several years. It is important to check the specific validity period in the country where you are applying.

How much does a Police Character Certificate cost?

The cost of a Police Character Certificate varies depending on the country where it is issued and the processing time. In some countries, the certificate may be free of charge, while in others, there may be a fee that ranges from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. It is important to check the specific requirements and fees in the country where you are applying.

Can a Police Character Certificate be used in other countries?

In many cases, a Police Character Certificate issued in one country can be used in other countries. However, it is important to check the specific requirements in the country where you are applying to ensure that the certificate meets the necessary criteria. In some cases, it may be necessary to obtain a new certificate or to have the certificate translated into the language of the country where it is being used.